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First thing this morning, when I pushed on the clutch pedal, I felt what was like ridges on about the middle 1/2 of travel.

Same when I release the clutch and I could also feel a little vibration.

When I leave the car in neutral and activate the clutch, I can still feel the "ridges".  When I just hold the clutch - again in neutral - at about mid travel, I can feel very light "fluttering".


This is not a behaviour I have had in previous cars, or even heard of.


Any clues as to what it might be?







When was the last time you had your brake fluid flushed? This is a shared fluid system with the 987's clutch fluid. FYI. Your clutch just might be on the way out. Clutch, pressure plate and throw out bearing. Hopefully your flywheel is OK.

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There are only 52k miles on the car.


I have not flushed the brakes/clutch since buying the car 6 months and 5k miles ago.  It's on my todo list even though the brakes feel great and up until Monday morning, the clutch did too!


Definitely feels bad.  Like a damaged flywheel or pressure plate?   I'm more thinking pressure plate as there is no vibration in the car when it is idling.   There is also no noise that I would normally associate with a bad throwout bearing.


I have laid the car up until I can get it to the shop Friday.  Fortunately, I have an awesome indy close by.  If they have to pull the gearbox off to take a look, I'll probably have them install a new clutch since most of the cost is in the labour!


I'll post an update once they have had a look.


There are only 52k miles on the car.


 I have an awesome indy close by.  If they have to pull the gearbox off to take a look, I'll probably have them install a new clutch since most of the cost is in the labour!


I'll post an update once they have had a look.

That's certainly enough mileage for the prior owner to have worn out the clutch.


When the gearbox is down, maybe replace the RMS as preventive maintenance. An inexpensive part. A 6-speed OE Porsche clutch kit is about $570 (pres plate, discs, and release bearing).


Wonder if it could be the clutch master cylinder? About $140 part.

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When the gearbox is down, maybe replace the RMS as preventive maintenance. An inexpensive part. A 6-speed OE Porsche clutch kit is about $570 (pres plate, discs, and release bearing).




Good point.  I'll be sure to have that discussion Friday.

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... There is also no noise that I would normally associate with a bad throwout bearing...


and this, Ladies and Gentlemen is why I'm not an auto technician :)


Diagnosis is the thrust bearing.  They also mentioned my shifter cables are very worn.  Was quoted $1200 parts+labor for replacement.  That  seems awful high.


Is it hard, or just time consuming?  I'm off to go look for a good writeup...

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... There is also no noise that I would normally associate with a bad throwout bearing...


and this, Ladies and Gentlemen is why I'm not an auto technician :)


Diagnosis is the thrust bearing.  They also mentioned my shifter cables are very worn.  Was quoted $1200 parts+labor for replacement.  That  seems awful high.


Is it hard, or just time consuming?  I'm off to go look for a good writeup...



To do the thrust bearing, they have to pull the gear box out.  If it were in my shop, I would recommend renewing the clutch while in there, and removing the rear seal on your non serviceable IMS bearing.


$1200 is not that bad a price to replace the throw out bearing.

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  The $1200 was not to replace the throwout bearing.  That was to R&R the shifter cables.

I was quoted $1100 to drop the gearbox and see what else might need done while they are in there.


Jeff, what's the book time for cable replacement?

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Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  The $1200 was not to replace the throwout bearing.  That was to R&R the shifter cables.

I was quoted $1100 to drop the gearbox and see what else might need done while they are in there.


Jeff, what's the book time for cable replacement?


The cables set is a bit over $400 alone, and I believe it is about 4-5 hours to change them out (it is not hard, but you need to pull the car's interior apart to get at the inside bits, lower the front of the engine, and then route the cables through the rear bulkhead to the gear box as they are one piece).  The job is more aggravation and time consuming than hard.



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OK, maybe the $1200 isn't too bad then.  More importantly, it doesn't sound like a DIY I'm comfortable attacking myself :(

  • Moderators

OK, maybe the $1200 isn't too bad then.  More importantly, it doesn't sound like a DIY I'm comfortable attacking myself :(


Well, like I said, it's not difficult, but it takes time; lots of time.

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... lower the front of the engine...




That's the bit that concerns me.  Is it like my 911 where it's basically 2 bolts and support the engine on a jack? 



Any opinions on the Numeric cables and SSK.  I promised myself I was going to leave this car stock, but if I have to get in there and replace stuff, I might as well go for a mild upgrade :)

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... lower the front of the engine...




That's the bit that concerns me.  Is it like my 911 where it's basically 2 bolts and support the engine on a jack? 



Any opinions on the Numeric cables and SSK.  I promised myself I was going to leave this car stock, but if I have to get in there and replace stuff, I might as well go for a mild upgrade :)



Yes on the front engine mount.


The after market (Numeric & SSK) cables have a lot more metal in them than the OEM does, which tends to make them much more durable and somewhat improves the shifter feel, but that move away from plastics decreases sound isolation a bit and some have complained that while the shift feels better, they are getting noise transmitted into the cabin; so they can have some trade offs.

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Just got the news from the shop.

Throwout bearing - toast

Pressure plate - badly worn

Flywheel - badly worn


Generally it looks like the previous owners have been very hard on the clutch.  I had 50k miles on my old '01 with virtually no wear.


With parts/labour and associated bits 'n bobs... $3k+tax for a complete R&R... Ouch!  That doesn't include the $1200 I was quoted for the shifter cable R&R (as I mentioned previously, I'll do that myself).

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