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Yes, definitely an exercise in restraint. At least I know for a fact that the car was broken in right. At 1000 miles I'll change the oil and balance and rotate the tires.

Three more things I forgot to mention. The brakes are fabulous. They are beautiful, powerful and clean. Definitely worth the money. The steering is quick, nicely weighted and I can feel the road just fine. But, it does not have that little wiggle thing that 911s classically do. It is clinical. The steering in my 997 is more entertaining and I like it better. I can live with this not like I have any choice. The transmission is very cool. It is immediate and intuitive. In auto mode it has a brain of it's own. It even downshifts blipping the throttle. I can live with this but I wish I had a manual. In auto mode you have to learn how to control the transmission with your right foot. In paddle mode you deal with it like any manual except the engine braking is not great. Downshifting in traffic is close to worthless, just use the brakes.


THE CAR LANDED YESTERDAY. I'll have some photos in a bit. It is still all covered in plastic wrap. The Interior is Killer!

Tomorrow I'll put Porsche crest decals on the front fenders and next week the entire front of the car gets covered in Xpel. Then......... :drive:

Congratulations! Now try to not get too out of control......................... :eek:

JFP, There is a suspension cross member which runs across the car in front of the engine. It looks Aluminum. I suspect it is in all 991s. Do you think I could use this as a center rear jack point?? If I bend it it could always be replaced not that I really want to do that. But, the only other place available is the bottom of the engine which everyone agrees is out of bounds.

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THE CAR LANDED YESTERDAY. I'll have some photos in a bit. It is still all covered in plastic wrap. The Interior is Killer!

Tomorrow I'll put Porsche crest decals on the front fenders and next week the entire front of the car gets covered in Xpel. Then......... :drive:

Congratulations! Now try to not get too out of control......................... :eek:

JFP, There is a suspension cross member which runs across the car in front of the engine. It looks Aluminum. I suspect it is in all 991s. Do you think I could use this as a center rear jack point?? If I bend it it could always be replaced not that I really want to do that. But, the only other place available is the bottom of the engine which everyone agrees is out of bounds.

We have only had a handful of the 991's in the shop, and yes, that is an alloy member, so I do not know if it is designed to carry the entire weight of the back of the car. In any case. we do not lift any car with a floor jack under the center; I prefer to use the side rock box lift points using a jacking adaptor plate. The last thing I want to do is bend something on a customer's car........


THE CAR LANDED YESTERDAY. I'll have some photos in a bit. It is still all covered in plastic wrap. The Interior is Killer!

Tomorrow I'll put Porsche crest decals on the front fenders and next week the entire front of the car gets covered in Xpel. Then......... :drive:

Congratulations! Now try to not get too out of control......................... :eek:

JFP, There is a suspension cross member which runs across the car in front of the engine. It looks Aluminum. I suspect it is in all 991s. Do you think I could use this as a center rear jack point?? If I bend it it could always be replaced not that I really want to do that. But, the only other place available is the bottom of the engine which everyone agrees is out of bounds.

We have only had a handful of the 991's in the shop, and yes, that is an alloy member, so I do not know if it is designed to carry the entire weight of the back of the car. In any case. we do not lift any car with a floor jack under the center; I prefer to use the side rock box lift points using a jacking adaptor plate. The last thing I want to do is bend something on a customer's car......

Those lift points are where I normally use the floor jack with a wooden "hockey puck" The problem is that you can not get a jack stand in there with the floor jack in the way. You can lift and entire 1/2 car at the rears and get jack stands under the fronts. Now, how are you going to get the rear end up?? The rear is partially counter balanced by the car hanging out in front of the front jack stands so it is not as heavy as you would expect. That aluminum cross member is pretty beefy..... My guess is nobody will give me a direct answer not wanting to take responsibility for breaking the car. If you don't knoww the answer the answer is NO. Eventually, enough people like me will lift the cars here to be able to provide an educated answer. **** the torpedos.

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THE CAR LANDED YESTERDAY. I'll have some photos in a bit. It is still all covered in plastic wrap. The Interior is Killer!

Tomorrow I'll put Porsche crest decals on the front fenders and next week the entire front of the car gets covered in Xpel. Then......... :drive:

Congratulations! Now try to not get too out of control......................... :eek:

JFP, There is a suspension cross member which runs across the car in front of the engine. It looks Aluminum. I suspect it is in all 991s. Do you think I could use this as a center rear jack point?? If I bend it it could always be replaced not that I really want to do that. But, the only other place available is the bottom of the engine which everyone agrees is out of bounds.

We have only had a handful of the 991's in the shop, and yes, that is an alloy member, so I do not know if it is designed to carry the entire weight of the back of the car. In any case. we do not lift any car with a floor jack under the center; I prefer to use the side rock box lift points using a jacking adaptor plate. The last thing I want to do is bend something on a customer's car......

Those lift points are where I normally use the floor jack with a wooden "hockey puck" The problem is that you can not get a jack stand in there with the floor jack in the way. You can lift and entire 1/2 car at the rears and get jack stands under the fronts. Now, how are you going to get the rear end up?? The rear is partially counter balanced by the car hanging out in front of the front jack stands so it is not as heavy as you would expect. That aluminum cross member is pretty beefy..... My guess is nobody will give me a direct answer not wanting to take responsibility for breaking the car. If you don't knoww the answer the answer is NO. Eventually, enough people like me will lift the cars here to be able to provide an educated answer. **** the torpedos.

You can start by jacking up the rear from one side and putting a jack stand (with a rubber hockey puck) under one of the rear suspension mount points. They are already holding up the car's heft when it is sitting on the ground, so sitting on a jack stand should not be a problem for them. Once the rear is up, do something similar up front. Not as fast as picking up the entire butt at once, but functional.


Yes , I can place the stands at the ends of that cross member where there is a very beefy bracket that the bottom control arm hinges on.

But, then what to do about the front....

In the mean while I've come up against my first problem. Maybe you have seen this JFP. Something is wrong with my left front brake. While braking, as the car slows below 40 mph I get a rather loud ticking at wheel rotation speed. It stops the instant I take my foot off the brake. Looking at the wheel, disc and caliper I can see absolutely nothing wrong. The clearance between the brake pads and the disc hub is tight but I see no rub marks. I am getting my torque wrench tomorrow so I can pop the wheel off but I bet I see nothing. The dealer can take a look at it Saturday morning but my guess is they will just give me a loaner and keep the car. Got any ideas? I would not mind fixing it myself. That way I would not have to lose my car for the weekend :-(

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Yes , I can place the stands at the ends of that cross member where there is a very beefy bracket that the bottom control arm hinges on.

But, then what to do about the front....

In the mean while I've come up against my first problem. Maybe you have seen this JFP. Something is wrong with my left front brake. While braking, as the car slows below 40 mph I get a rather loud ticking at wheel rotation speed. It stops the instant I take my foot off the brake. Looking at the wheel, disc and caliper I can see absolutely nothing wrong. The clearance between the brake pads and the disc hub is tight but I see no rub marks. I am getting my torque wrench tomorrow so I can pop the wheel off but I bet I see nothing. The dealer can take a look at it Saturday morning but my guess is they will just give me a loaner and keep the car. Got any ideas? I would not mind fixing it myself. That way I would not have to lose my car for the weekend :-(


Check and make sure the brake has not picked up a small pebble or other debris which can make all kinds of noise.  The larger brake ducts they put on these cars can act like a street sweeper at times.



Yes , I can place the stands at the ends of that cross member where there is a very beefy bracket that the bottom control arm hinges on.

But, then what to do about the front....

In the mean while I've come up against my first problem. Maybe you have seen this JFP. Something is wrong with my left front brake. While braking, as the car slows below 40 mph I get a rather loud ticking at wheel rotation speed. It stops the instant I take my foot off the brake. Looking at the wheel, disc and caliper I can see absolutely nothing wrong. The clearance between the brake pads and the disc hub is tight but I see no rub marks. I am getting my torque wrench tomorrow so I can pop the wheel off but I bet I see nothing. The dealer can take a look at it Saturday morning but my guess is they will just give me a loaner and keep the car. Got any ideas? I would not mind fixing it myself. That way I would not have to lose my car for the weekend :-(


Check and make sure the brake has not picked up a small pebble or other debris which can make all kinds of noise.  The larger brake ducts they put on these cars can act like a street sweeper at times.


Will do. Got my Snap On QD4R600 so I can pop the wheels off tonight and have a look. This torque wrench is a MONSTER. My understanding is that you are supposed to lube the center nuts. Any old aluminum anti sieze will work?

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Yes , I can place the stands at the ends of that cross member where there is a very beefy bracket that the bottom control arm hinges on.

But, then what to do about the front....

In the mean while I've come up against my first problem. Maybe you have seen this JFP. Something is wrong with my left front brake. While braking, as the car slows below 40 mph I get a rather loud ticking at wheel rotation speed. It stops the instant I take my foot off the brake. Looking at the wheel, disc and caliper I can see absolutely nothing wrong. The clearance between the brake pads and the disc hub is tight but I see no rub marks. I am getting my torque wrench tomorrow so I can pop the wheel off but I bet I see nothing. The dealer can take a look at it Saturday morning but my guess is they will just give me a loaner and keep the car. Got any ideas? I would not mind fixing it myself. That way I would not have to lose my car for the weekend :-(


Check and make sure the brake has not picked up a small pebble or other debris which can make all kinds of noise.  The larger brake ducts they put on these cars can act like a street sweeper at times.


Will do. Got my Snap On QD4R600 so I can pop the wheels off tonight and have a look. This torque wrench is a MONSTER. My understanding is that you are supposed to lube the center nuts. Any old aluminum anti sieze will work?



I'm sure Porsche has some ridiculously priced stuff, we use anti seize.


Yes , I can place the stands at the ends of that cross member where there is a very beefy bracket that the bottom control arm hinges on.

But, then what to do about the front....

In the mean while I've come up against my first problem. Maybe you have seen this JFP. Something is wrong with my left front brake. While braking, as the car slows below 40 mph I get a rather loud ticking at wheel rotation speed. It stops the instant I take my foot off the brake. Looking at the wheel, disc and caliper I can see absolutely nothing wrong. The clearance between the brake pads and the disc hub is tight but I see no rub marks. I am getting my torque wrench tomorrow so I can pop the wheel off but I bet I see nothing. The dealer can take a look at it Saturday morning but my guess is they will just give me a loaner and keep the car. Got any ideas? I would not mind fixing it myself. That way I would not have to lose my car for the weekend :-(


Check and make sure the brake has not picked up a small pebble or other debris which can make all kinds of noise.  The larger brake ducts they put on these cars can act like a street sweeper at times.

Will do. Got my Snap On QD4R600 so I can pop the wheels off tonight and have a look. This torque wrench is a MONSTER. My understanding is that you are supposed to lube the center nuts. Any old aluminum anti sieze will work?


I'm sure Porsche has some ridiculously priced stuff, we use anti seize.

And boy do they goop it on. My hubs were buried in the stuff. I got the car up just fine. I jacked half the car up at a rear lift point placing a stand at the front lift point and another under the rear axel cross member at the bottom control arm knuckle. Then I did the other side.

The center locks came off as advertised with the wife standing on the brakes. I could find absolutely nothing wrong with the brakes.

Tomorrow I'll jump on the brakes in reverse then again from 100 mph and see if I can shake whatever loose. After that it is off to the dealer. My spoilers will not deploy at 75 mph. They work in manual mode and sport plus just fine. I suspect it is just a programming issue. That should only take 30 minutes to fix.

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