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Posted (edited)

post-1098-1111210575_thumb.jpgI have just found what appears to be the first signs of an RMS leak on my 99c2, there are no spots of oil on the garage floor but the area where the engine and gearbox join has a greasy film covering a section about 2 inches by 4 inces. Looks like its been happening for a while as its a mixture of oil and road grime.

My car has done 19000 miles, I bought it new and it has not had any RMS work before.

Any suggestions on what to do now, its not dripping oil so do I just leave it until it gets worse or is the best course of action to get it replaced asap. The clutch is OK, no signs of slip.

Edited by rattles

I'd really appreciate some feedback from anyone that has had RMS problems, at waht stage did you replace the seal, mine is not too bad at the moment so I am tempted to just keep monitoring it until it starts to drip on the garge floor.


Do not look under the car again and it won't effect you. Many cars over time will show signs of oil biuldup. It doesn't mean there is a leak. Woory about it if you start loosing oil or see drops on the ground.

Do not look under the car again and it won't effect you.  Many cars over time will show signs of oil biuldup.  It doesn't mean there is a leak.  Woory about it if you start loosing oil or see drops on the ground.

I am sure you're right, my old 86 SAAB turbo leaks oil from places that aren't even supposed to contain oil but still goes like a bullet.


What the hell, if its still under warranty I'd get it done. Porsche can afford it

My OPC has just discovered that my RMC is leaking during a recent service.

Its done 25000 miles and is only 22 months old. Will also get the clutch changed if it shows sign of wear as they'll have the gearbox out to do the RMS any.

What the hell, if its still under warranty I'd get it done. Porsche can afford it

My OPC has just discovered that my RMC is leaking during a recent  service.

Its done 25000 miles and is only 22 months old. Will also get the clutch changed if it shows sign of wear as they'll have the gearbox out to do the RMS any.

Its way out of warranty so I'll just see what happens. My reason for raising the question was to get an idea at what point the seal was being replaced in most cases.


I would suggest to take the car in to the dealership and have them verify that it is not an potential RMS problem. If they say it's not such an issue you will be feeling better. If it turns out to be an RMS in the making you have sufficient time to start rattling the cages and get some agreement as to whom is going to cough up the money for the repair. The quicker you have the information on record at the dealer ship , the better.

Good luck.


C99- dry and running great

  • 3 months later...

Probably nobody has moaned and groaned so much as me about the RMS problem. But since Porsche won't do anything about it for me I just live with it in the knowledge that this will be my last Porsche I ever own despite this being my 3rd and I love them to bits.

If you want my opinion, just forget about it. Drive it and don't worry. If it's in warranty then get it replaced (even though that probably wont fix it). If it's out of warranty then sh1t happens. I am on my 7th RMS and it's still leaking albeit only 2 drips per month. But I just did a 2800 mile trip to Spain and back and never had a problem and didn't even have to top the oil up once. The drive was as stressful as can be for the car, 700 miles of it through totally empty Northern Spanish mountain roads with 23 other Porkers from PCGB. Believe me when I say, if my engine was going to blow up because of RMS problems it would have done so on that journey.

Just drive it and enjoy.


I can't argue with you.

From the TSB and all I am reading it's a seepage / weeping issue in the design and not a catastrophic failure for 99% of the cars affected.

The problem is... If you are that 1% it's seriously game over..

What the heck. A Vikings funeral is about the only fitting end for a PCar. Drive it hard and kill it when it feels happiest rather than leaving a nice museum piece.

What was that stupid add they have, '40% of all of the PCar's ever made are still on the road'. Perhaps they were the ones not enjoyed by their owners?


I'd really appreciate some feedback from anyone that has had RMS problems, at what stage did you replace the seal, mine is not too bad at the moment so I am tempted to just keep monitoring it until it starts to drip on the garge floor.

Hi Glenn, don't worry too much. I bought the car with RMS already diagnosed. Only after I had joined different forums I realized that this "little easy to fix leak" was a common Porsche problem. For the first 4 months I used to have one or two drops a month on the garage floor. Since it's gotten hotter I haven't seen any of it. Doesn't really make sense since with higher temps the oil should be able to bypass the seals easier - maybe I loose it on the Autobahn when I go 270+ :P

Anyway, if it doesn't get worse I'll just wait until the clutch is ready to be replaced and have it done then. Latest at the 80k inspection which is still 10k ahead. At least I'm determined not to let it ruin my fun with the car (as with the rattles).


I'd really appreciate some feedback from anyone that has had RMS problems, at what stage did you replace the seal, mine is not too bad at the moment so I am tempted to just keep monitoring it until it starts to drip on the garge floor.

Hi Glenn, don't worry too much. I bought the car with RMS already diagnosed. Only after I had joined different forums I realized that this "little easy to fix leak" was a common Porsche problem. For the first 4 months I used to have one or two drops a month on the garage floor. Since it's gotten hotter I haven't seen any of it. Doesn't really make sense since with higher temps the oil should be able to bypass the seals easier - maybe I loose it on the Autobahn when I go 270+ :P

Anyway, if it doesn't get worse I'll just wait until the clutch is ready to be replaced and have it done then. Latest at the 80k inspection which is still 10k ahead. At least I'm determined not to let it ruin my fun with the car (as with the rattles).


Thanks Thorsten,

It's a while since I started this topic and since then it dos not appear to have become worse. I'm with you I plan to enjoy the car and fix it later if required. I took it to my local Porsche independant mechanic and he advised the same, said he has seen plenty much worse.

I also agree with Scouser, this is my last Porsche too, great car to drive but not enough care taken when they bolt them together especially for the price. A 997S is now A$240,000 here.


Doesn't really make sense since with higher temps the oil should be able to bypass the seals easier - maybe I loose it on the Autobahn when I go 270+

It could also be the fact that the seals actually perform better under warm/hot conditions?

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