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G'day Renntech forum users,

I am living in Munich/Germany and I am a new member to Renntech.

Got me new (used) 997/II C4 two weeks ago, and due to the experience with my former Audis, I owned the Durametric Prof. kit before I got my Porsche.

I have been reading posts here on Renntech where people tried to enable/disable certain functions on their cars and they did not succeed. While trying the same with the latest Durametric (?) version I noted the following: for sure some of the toggle switches or pull down menus are reversed.

Example: enable "Comfort Windows" (opening and closing windows with the key fob) under ALARM and enable "Comfort Windows up" and "Comfort Windows down" under RIGHT DOOR / LEFT DOOR. Result: nothing works. Switch "Comfort Windows down" to "Disable", and the windows will open with the fob. Add off-function "Comfort Windows up" and windows will also close.

I noted this behavior also with other settings. In addition my Durametric set reads out that my car has voice control installed, but in fact it hasn't!?

Question to the experts: is there something I am missing or is the software buggy?

Best regards

GZ - (currently snowed in)

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G'day Renntech forum users,

I am living in Munich/Germany and I am a new member to Renntech.

Got me new (used) 997/II C4 two weeks ago, and due to the experience with my former Audis, I owned the Durametric Prof. kit before I got my Porsche.

I have been reading posts here on Renntech where people tried to enable/disable certain functions on their cars and they did not succeed. While trying the same with the latest Durametric (?) version I noted the following: for sure some of the toggle switches or pull down menus are reversed.

Example: enable "Comfort Windows" (opening and closing windows with the key fob) under ALARM and enable "Comfort Windows up" and "Comfort Windows down" under RIGHT DOOR / LEFT DOOR. Result: nothing works. Switch "Comfort Windows down" to "Disable", and the windows will open with the fob. Add off-function "Comfort Windows up" and windows will also close.

I noted this behavior also with other settings. In addition my Durametric set reads out that my car has voice control installed, but in fact it hasn't!?

Question to the experts: is there something I am missing or is the software buggy?

Best regards

GZ - (currently snowed in)

The Durametric system is not perfect, but it still remains the best non-PIWIS system out there. I think of it best described as “a work in progress”, as they seem to be open to comments and suggestions on how to improve the system.


Returned my "work in progress" product to dealer for full refund today. His interesting statement: we are aware, your car is too new. The older the Porsche, the better Durametric works. Not a real help for me, really.

No work in progress products for 800 bucks for me. For this money I can ask my dealer to code anything on my car, 10 times at least (and it will work afterwards!).

My VCDS works like charm and was over 50% cheaper..............

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Returned my "work in progress" product to dealer for full refund today. His interesting statement: we are aware, your car is too new. The older the Porsche, the better Durametric works. Not a real help for me, really.

No work in progress products for 800 bucks for me. For this money I can ask my dealer to code anything on my car, 10 times at least (and it will work afterwards!).

My VCDS works like charm and was over 50% cheaper..............

Only one problem with that statement, Ross-Tech's VCDS cannot activate or even access many fucntions on a Porsche that the Durametric system can; in fact, from Ross-Tech's own website:

Porsche: Although Porsche SE and Volkswagen AG have takensteps to merge, Porsche still does diagnostics quite differently than VW so VCDSdoes not do OEM diagnostics on most Porsche systems. However, we've heard goodthings about Durametric's Diagnostic Tool for Porsche.


Yes, that's obvious and I never stated that I am using the RossTech with my Porsche.

"VCDS cannot activate or even access many fucntions on a Porsche that the Durametric system can". Allegedly can. Most coding function on my car did either not work or made the PCs (two different ones) crash during the same coding attempt.

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Yes, that's obvious and I never stated that I am using the RossTech with my Porsche.

"VCDS cannot activate or even access many fucntions on a Porsche that the Durametric system can". Allegedly can. Most coding function on my car did either not work or made the PCs (two different ones) crash during the same coding attempt.

We use the Durametric system every day in the shop, and find it works very well on a broad cross section of Porsche models and years. A lot of other shops also use it. I have also found that the folks at Durametric are both quick and helpful in sorting out any problems with the install of the system or any bugs or quirks that pop up from time to time, most of which are fairly simple to resolve. No, it will not do everything that a PIWIS does (yet), but is by far the best alternative I have seen to date to a nearly $20K annual lease for the OEM system.

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