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I've posted this information in a few 986 Boxster threads as the issue is a cross-over to the 996, but has been mentioned on the Boxster side of the street more often.

I've been having a gas filling problem. Issue, essentially, gas would not flow into the gas tank from the gas pump.

Rule: Gas needs to vent when filling into our closed evap system gas tanks.

Answer: The fuel vent valve located at the top of the gas tank, found essentially under and in the area of the battery tray on my C4S, was not operative.

Conclusion: If you are experiencing a problem getting gas into the gas tank on your 996, carefully research all reasonably related threads on the forum for the 996 Carrera, 986, and 987-1 Boxsters. Check the TSB on the issue, check Loren's post re fuel door actuator repair. Then, if you are having this problem, and need to do work at home or at your regular garage, check the E6 fuse first, and then, .... if the problem remains, first check the fuel tank vent valve located on the top of the fuel tank, reached by taking out your battery and battery tray, and looking around and about the area of the fuel tank vent valve. Check the wires to this fuel tank vent valve. If the wires have been chewed though by a mouse nested at or about this general area, reconnect the wires in a professional way, i.e.: with solder, shrink insulation, etc., and you have solved your problem.

Analysis: If your family cats both tragically pass away in over a 3 month period, and you live in a wooded, rural, forested area, and mice can be a problem, be sure to do what you have to do to keep mice out of your garage, or you could likely have to have the rear wiper window washer line on your wife's Lexus suv replaced at a dealership, and, possibly, and horribly/terribly, you could be faced with your fuel tank vent valve wiring being chewed through by a mouse nesting in the tempting and inviting warm and cozy area under your battery tray in your 996.

Oh well, it's only money. Gas filling problem solved due to good study and work by indy garage, Mike Renzi in Fort Bragg, CA. Mike caught the problem on the first shot. Seriously, a mouse had chewed through the wires connecting the fuel tank vent valve. Could have been worse, but this was a relatively easy fix. File away under "mysterious Porsche problems" and cheers to all....

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  • 11 years later...

The problem with my 2006 Porsche Carrera 4S is that when it has less than half a tank of gas, it won't start. I have to refill the car again and then it starts. What could be the problem?.


fernando fernandez

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