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I am wondering if you know of any discounts available for the Durametric Enthusiast version. My wife is wanting to buy it for my birthday!!

Thanks in advance!

Tim in Ft Worth

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The “Enthusiast” version standard price is already a “discount” off the “Pro” version ($287 vs. $675 or higher depending upon configuration). For comparison purposes, Porsche’s PIWIS is around $17,000 for the first year……..


Does anyone have any experience setting up group buys with folks like Pelican Parts or even directly with Durametric?


You may be able to find a used “Enthusiast” version, but them you would only have 2 cars left. I just upgraded to the "Pro" and got full trade-in credit for my used one.


Here is Durametric's reply:

Hello Tim,

Thank you for your interest in Durametric. We appreciate your request, however we are unable to proceed with any group buys. We have received many requests for group buys over the years, but have never allowed them. The reason we don't allow group buys is because it has an immediate effect on our regional distributors and goes against partnership agreements.

We understand that a group buy would be beneficial in many ways but unfortunately cannot take you up on the offer.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Owen Sutton

Diagnose Technic


That's unfortunate. Only other avenue would be to see if you could find a distributor that is willing to do a group buy at a lower price, but their price is probably higher than going through Durametric directly, so it might not matter.


Mr Dempsey replied as follows:

Hi there. Thanks for contacting me. Group Buys rarely work out well for anyone involved, so we've avoided them in the past. When it's all said and done, the customers are typically not happy (takes forever to arrange the details), and the vendors end up doing a tremendous amount of work for lower revenues.




Yea it's too bad. Durametric is a crappy tool but it's about the only one we've got. For those of you that are also Audi or VW (VAG) owners you probably know the Ross Tech Vagcom program is 1000% better. It seems like Durametric is trying to emulate the Vagcom program but they are about 10 years behind Ross-tech in their software development.

Posted (edited)

IMHO, Durametric is priced below what it should be. Having owned a PST2, it is a tremendous tool for the money.

Think of the savings on just a a couple CEL clearings alone vs. going to the dealer (Porsche tax).

Edited by logray
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Yea it's too bad. Durametric is a crappy tool but it's about the only one we've got. For those of you that are also Audi or VW (VAG) owners you probably know the Ross Tech Vagcom program is 1000% better. It seems like Durametric is trying to emulate the Vagcom program but they are about 10 years behind Ross-tech in their software development.

Actually, Ross Tech is very complimentary towards Durametric on their website, noting that Porsche uses a totally different diagnostics computer code system than VW and Audi…………..

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