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Posted (edited)

Hey folks,

I have a '99 996 Cabrio that has the M490 Cabrio amp and I'm trying to swap out an aftermarket Eclipse stereo, installed by the previous owner, that's now crapping out (volume control knob is going berzerk).

Anyways, I have pulled out the unit to expose the wiring.


Since there was an amp in the trunk, I expected to find RCA line out plugs leading from the head unit to the amp. Instead, the RCA line outs were cut (to make room when pushing the unit in?) and all the wiring comes off of the speaker wires.

I guess the clarification I need here is, (a) does the M490 amp accept speaker level inputs, or (b ) did the previous owner just bypass the amp and wire everything directly to the speakers? If so, is the amp in the trunk now just a paperweight and can I chuck it?

Or is something else going on here? Hopefully the pictures provide enough data so that I can move forward and put a new head unit in this weekend. I'm not looking to replace the amp or speakers, I just want a working radio!

Many thanks!

Edited by DaveFL76

I guess in lieu of a confirm, I'll just verify that the head unit that's in there is sending out speaker-level outputs and then just splice in the appropriate wires from the new stereo. I suppose worst case, I'll just blow up the old Haes amp and it'll give me reason to put a better aftermarket one in there!


The M490 amp uses line outputs from the Becker head units. It doesn't use RCA input plugs, but a 5-pin plug, the same as a lot of VW units. I'm sure you will find the connection diagrams if you search here, but if not, drop me a PM.

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