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Posted (edited)

I'm changing from factory OEM springs to Champion Motor Sports springs (lowering springs) which appear to be made by H&R. I've had my shocks checked and they are in great condition, but the indy didn't mention if there are any other wear items above / below the springs where they make contact. Are there any wear items or rubber donuts / spring plates that I should order ahead of time? I don't want him to get the thing in the air and *then* get a call from that he needs to order some small part I could have given him ahead of time and now I have to wait extra days to get the car back.

(FYI:I've got a 99 C2).


Edited by torontoworker
  On 9/21/2010 at 2:41 PM, torontoworker said:

I'm changing from factory OEM springs to Champion Motor Sports springs (lowering springs) which appear to be made by H&R. I've had my shocks checked and they are in great condition, but the indy didn't mention if there are any other wear items above / below the springs where they make contact. Are there any wear items or rubber donuts / spring plates that I should order ahead of time? I don't want him to get the thing in the air and *then* get a call from that he needs to order some small part I could have given him ahead of time and now I have to wait extra days to get the car back.

(FYI:I've got a 99 C2).



The front top mounts were shot on mine. depending on your mileage and budget these might be worth considering. Mine had approx 98000 miles on the clock....

  On 9/21/2010 at 2:41 PM, torontoworker said:

I'm changing from factory OEM springs to Champion Motor Sports springs (lowering springs) which appear to be made by H&R. I've had my shocks checked and they are in great condition, but the indy didn't mention if there are any other wear items above / below the springs where they make contact. Are there any wear items or rubber donuts / spring plates that I should order ahead of time? I don't want him to get the thing in the air and *then* get a call from that he needs to order some small part I could have given him ahead of time and now I have to wait extra days to get the car back.

(FYI:I've got a 99 C2).


How much lower will your car be after you install the new springs? My car has a set of H&R "sport" springs on it and they lowered it by 30 mm (ca. 1.25 in). This is great, except that the rear wheel alignment could no longer be made to achieve factory specs this way. I needed to install a set of adjustable upper rear control arms in order to get my rear wheel camber specs from being too negative and causing (very) excessive inner tread wear on the rear tires.

  On 9/22/2010 at 1:26 AM, carrera3.2 said:

  On 9/21/2010 at 2:41 PM, torontoworker said:

I'm changing from factory OEM springs to Champion Motor Sports springs (lowering springs) which appear to be made by H&R. I've had my shocks checked and they are in great condition, but the indy didn't mention if there are any other wear items above / below the springs where they make contact. Are there any wear items or rubber donuts / spring plates that I should order ahead of time? I don't want him to get the thing in the air and *then* get a call from that he needs to order some small part I could have given him ahead of time and now I have to wait extra days to get the car back.

(FYI:I've got a 99 C2).


How much lower will your car be after you install the new springs? My car has a set of H&R "sport" springs on it and they lowered it by 30 mm (ca. 1.25 in). This is great, except that the rear wheel alignment could no longer be made to achieve factory specs this way. I needed to install a set of adjustable upper rear control arms in order to get my rear wheel camber specs from being too negative and causing (very) excessive inner tread wear on the rear tires.

The specs for the springs say 'up to' 1,2 inches lower. I guess I'll find out after they put it on the machine and check the settings. I'm planning on letting it sit in my garage for a week and then getting the alignment done after that so if it looks like an issue I'll park it for the winter and then put new front and rear control arms in it in the spring. I was planning on upgrading to the GT3 parts anyway in the future but was holding off for next years budget! Doing the rotors and pads this week so I don't need to freak out the spouse too many weeks in a row with other added items. :)

I've also taken jetbox's comments concerning the top mounts into my plan as a 'just in case' part of the budget planing. I had a quote from an indy to do the install and alignment for $700 and I am gettinga second quote this week to see if that is in the ball park. The first guy who owns the shop is very good, he races a 996 in region racing here in Canada and races a Cayman in SCCA World Challenge.

  On 9/22/2010 at 12:49 PM, torontoworker said:

  On 9/22/2010 at 1:26 AM, carrera3.2 said:

  On 9/21/2010 at 2:41 PM, torontoworker said:

I'm changing from factory OEM springs to Champion Motor Sports springs (lowering springs) which appear to be made by H&R. I've had my shocks checked and they are in great condition, but the indy didn't mention if there are any other wear items above / below the springs where they make contact. Are there any wear items or rubber donuts / spring plates that I should order ahead of time? I don't want him to get the thing in the air and *then* get a call from that he needs to order some small part I could have given him ahead of time and now I have to wait extra days to get the car back.

(FYI:I've got a 99 C2).


How much lower will your car be after you install the new springs? My car has a set of H&R "sport" springs on it and they lowered it by 30 mm (ca. 1.25 in). This is great, except that the rear wheel alignment could no longer be made to achieve factory specs this way. I needed to install a set of adjustable upper rear control arms in order to get my rear wheel camber specs from being too negative and causing (very) excessive inner tread wear on the rear tires.

The specs for the springs say 'up to' 1,2 inches lower. I guess I'll find out after they put it on the machine and check the settings. I'm planning on letting it sit in my garage for a week and then getting the alignment done after that so if it looks like an issue I'll park it for the winter and then put new front and rear control arms in it in the spring. I was planning on upgrading to the GT3 parts anyway in the future but was holding off for next years budget! Doing the rotors and pads this week so I don't need to freak out the spouse too many weeks in a row with other added items. :)

I've also taken jetbox's comments concerning the top mounts into my plan as a 'just in case' part of the budget planing. I had a quote from an indy to do the install and alignment for $700 and I am gettinga second quote this week to see if that is in the ball park. The first guy who owns the shop is very good, he races a 996 in region racing here in Canada and races a Cayman in SCCA World Challenge.

The GT3 suspension will solve the tire wear problem but is, of course, an expensive solution. Good luck!

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