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Hi all,

Was looking around the engine bay the other day and found this

star shape like piece of rubber tubing to the right side of the engine.

What is it and should it be attached to something?

Many thanks.

post-26847-043731100 1278260743_thumb.jp post-26847-049079300 1278260775_thumb.jp


That is a splitter/connector for vacuum lines. One line has come disconnected. You need to find it.

Posted (edited)

Hi all,

Was looking around the engine bay the other day and found this

star shape like piece of rubber tubing to the right side of the engine.

What is it and should it be attached to something?

Many thanks.

post-26847-043731100 1278260743_thumb.jp post-26847-049079300 1278260775_thumb.jp

Immediately behind your hand is a red plug connected to a grey item. It looks like it could well be the on/off valve for the pse (do you have a pse fitted, and does the on/off still work? if not maybe it was installed before you got the car and later removed but the vacuum lines were left in place). If it is the on/off valve there will be two vacuum connectors on it. One for in and one for out. Check if one of these has nothing connected to it (or that the vacuum lines that are connected to it are still connected to something at the other end!).

Then again, I may be completely wrong, but it is does look like it and is in about the right location.



Edited by Keggers

Thanks Dharn55,

I had a look around and cant find any line thats looks like it should connect to the splitter.

What exactly are the vacuum lines?

Would driving with this disconnection cause any harm to my motor?


That is a splitter/connector for vacuum lines. One line has come disconnected. You need to find it.



I don't have a PSE exhaust, it's a Design Tek one. and the original one was the standard exhaust without the PSE.

But I will either way have a look at this and check it out. it's possible.



Hi all,

Was looking around the engine bay the other day and found this

star shape like piece of rubber tubing to the right side of the engine.

What is it and should it be attached to something?

Many thanks.

post-26847-043731100 1278260743_thumb.jp post-26847-049079300 1278260775_thumb.jp

Immediately behind your hand is a red plug connected to a grey item. It looks like it could well be the on/off valve for the pse (do you have a pse fitted, and does the on/off still work? if not maybe it was installed before you got the car and later removed but the vacuum lines were left in place). If it is the on/off valve there will be two vacuum connectors on it. One for in and one for out. Check if one of these has nothing connected to it (or that the vacuum lines that are connected to it are still connected to something at the other end!).

Then again, I may be completely wrong, but it is does look like it and is in about the right location.



Posted (edited)

Definitely looks to be the original vacuum setup for a factory installed sport exhaust system. The red plug going into the switch over valve is in the right spot for PSE. If the car didn't come with one from the factory, its possible one was installed afterwards. As long as there are no leaks in your vacuum system (and you would likely know if you had one because you would probably have a CEL) you should be fine.

Edited by PTEC

What exactly are the vacuum lines?

Would driving with this disconnection cause any harm to my motor?


The thin black pipes that you have in your hand are vacuum pipes. The three ended rubber splitter simply allows the pipe to be split into two so that one vacuum pipe becomes two. They ultimately connect into a part of the engine just behind the throttle body that operates at a vacuum and you can then use this vacuum (in the vacuum pipes) to move switches, valves, etc that they connect onto. The PSE uses two of these to move the exhaust valves that open or close to make the exhaust loud/quiet. The vacuum pipes pass through a solenoid valve (which is what the grey item with the red plug behind your hand looks like) that either blocks or opens the pipe so that the vacuum can be controlled to turn on/off. The PSE is only one use of the vacuum lines though - they can also operate valves in the coolant system etc. Looking again at the picture the lines in your hand seem to be coming from the far right of the engine. From memory there is one connected down there near the fuel injectors, but I don't know any more than that!

If one of the vacuum lines comes off and is left open then the engine can suck in more air than it should be able to and it can upset the fuel/air mix. I'm no expert on this (and may well be wrong in my description!) but my understanding is that it is unlikely to damage the car but could impact running.

  • 3 weeks later...

It looks just like the "Y" splitter that connects to the bottom of the vacuum reservoir. on my car its located under the intake on the passenger side of the motor towards the rear if i remember right

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