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Hi all.

In a previous post I described that I had water under passenger seat on the carpet in my 05 Boxster tiptronic. Took it to the shop and they said that I was lucky to bring it in before the alarm got messed up and that there was some sort of hole caused by previous owner which allowed water in. Had to also replace top lining where shoestring thing broke. $1200 later I get the car but now ever 2 or so weeks usually between 10:30pm and 2;30 am, the alarm goes off with no reason. My horn beeps and lights blink. I disarm it by unlocking and locking the door back. It could happen while I'm at work but don't know it, but I have no error codes or anything suggesting there is a problem. All just seem normal until I and the neighbors are awakened by my blaring horn. Could the shop have set something and forgotten to unset it to protect it while there? They had the car for 3 days. They explicitly said my alarm was fine, but could it be some water did get in and cause a problem? If so, does anyone know a remedy or even just a way to disarm it at least while under my carport? I would love to solve this myself as I am tapped out from the last repair. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help you may provide. Oh - the water getting in was some fluke of a thing where they said they had never seen such a hole - like golfball sized which they found when taking the top apart. The carpet was damp or even wet, but I had sopped up what I could and the Porsche place shopvacced it as well. There is no residue odor or anything, so am sure hoping this is an unrelated and hopefully easy alarm fix. AGain, thanks for hearing me out and offering any help.

Laura (quadgirl)


I haven't tested it, but I think you can manually lock the doors when you leave. Hit the button on the dashboard to lock both doors, then when you get out only your door will open (you'll have to pull the handle once to unlock, and once to open it). Then you can use the key to lock it, without arming the system. Again, I haven't tested it, but that's what I'd first test.

The real question is, is there a way to see exactly which sensor triggered the alarm using a PIWIS or something? Then you can figure out what's going on with that sensor.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it. I didn't think of trying to see what triggered it, but will have to rely on the shop to do that since I don't have the PIWIS. Still, great food for thought. Thanks again!

I haven't tested it, but I think you can manually lock the doors when you leave. Hit the button on the dashboard to lock both doors, then when you get out only your door will open (you'll have to pull the handle once to unlock, and once to open it). Then you can use the key to lock it, without arming the system. Again, I haven't tested it, but that's what I'd first test.

The real question is, is there a way to see exactly which sensor triggered the alarm using a PIWIS or something? Then you can figure out what's going on with that sensor.

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