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Hi, all. I have a 2001 986, 2.7L, Tip. Located near the front edge of the metal underbody tray, or bash plate, that protects the transmission are two black plastic moldings that appear to be air scoops. The left one is missing. Can anyone provide the part number? TIA.


Posted (edited)
I believe this is it 986 504 893 00 rubber lip.


Thanks, Scott. however, that rubber lip fits on the bottom of the black trim piece just in front of the rear tires. The part for which I'm looking is located under the motor close to the centerline. I think it attaches to the bashplate.

Edited by cyclocross
Posted (edited)

I spent an hour trying to figure it out :censored: , finally crawled under the car to check it for any numbers-Nada...

I just checked your number and see it now [but no pic on my PET-spoiler?], I am missing one also, but it's just a piece of rubber-riveted on.

It's easier to make, then get a special ;) Porsche rubber flap.

Pretty good detective work :thumbup:



Edited by mrmickeymouse
  • Admin
Here is a pic of the part in question.

I found it! It is... 986.331.361.02. The part in the pic does not look like the one on my car. Must be a different year.

986 331 361 03 replaces 986 331 2361 02

For a MY01 you need:

986 331 361 03 Spoiler (2 per car)

999 507 774 40 Pushbutton (2 per car)

999 507 775 40 Pushbutton (2 per car)


986 331 361 03 replaces 986 331 2361 02

For a MY01 you need:

986 331 361 03 Spoiler (2 per car)

999 507 774 40 Pushbutton (2 per car)

999 507 775 40 Pushbutton (2 per car)

I have an early '01 so Finland must have used some left over '00 parts on my car. The early version just snapped in place and could fall off easily. The newer version is pinned in-place and won't fall off as easily. However, it can be "popped" loose and hang from the car. That is probably why I've notice something almost dragging on the pavement when I've followed behind another Boxster. Thank you for your help. :clapping:

Actually "no" on the earlier vesion. I have a 97 which is riveted in.


Thank you for the clarification, Scott. I guess from Loren's parts list above the 01- pushpin version in removable. I guess I'll probably bum some 1/16" scrap aluminum from the machine shop guys downstairs and make a replacement scoop secured with screws.


I would not do that if I were you, that close to the ground could result in your scoop being forced up into the CV or other things, which there are plenty of in that area.

Be safe and keep it like your picture has it, that looks just like mine.


I would not do that if I were you, that close to the ground could result in your scoop being forced up into the CV or other things, which there are plenty of in that area.

Be safe and keep it like your picture has it, that looks just like mine.


Good point, Scott! I'll stay with the soft rubber. Thanks.

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