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I am new to the forum and hoping to get some advice.

I am looking at either a 996 gt3 or a 2006 997.1 cs.It will be used for a daily driver but only a short commute of open roads, 10-15 miles one way. I also have a few extra vehicles for bad weather days.

I am in the midwest and have not been able to drive a gt3, cant find one close. I am willing to travel to check one out.

I will be buying either with a cpo and plan to keep for at least 3 years. will look into third party warranty after cpo runs out. I will be doing track days, at least a few a year. is the gt3 more reliable than the 997.1? I know the motor in the gt3 is extremely expensive, how big of chance is there for engine replacement? how much rougher and louder is the gt3? any other advice welcomed.


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Hi dlw...... You really can't go wrong with either choice, but, know that they are very different cars. I highly recommend that you continue to try to find an example of the 996 GT3 for a test drive. The GT3 is, in many ways, a simpler machine. ABS is the only electronic assist. The 997 can be had with host of electronic aids and creature comforts. To do without those, you really have to want that 996 GT3. Yes, the engine costs more, but, being the result of 40 years of racing engine development, it has much higher limits of performance and durability. The gearbox is heavy, derived from the 993 GT2 TT racer, and you know from the feel in the shifter, that there is some heavy duty machinery in there. Yes, the GT3 is a stiffer ride, yes, it is louder inside. The GT3 speaks and makes demands of the driver that the 997 may not. You have to want that experience. It can be a LOT more involving on the race track.....and, a lot more satisfying when you do it right....if that is what you want. The GT3 will take a bit more care as a daily driver too. The clutch is heavier, the chassis is lower and will scrape driveways here and there. You will have to say to yourself, that that's OK because this is what I want to drive. So, please, get a test drive somewhere and let us know what you decide. Good luck and have fun!!


I think which car would be best for you is very subjective. IMO, as a DD, I would definitely go with the 997. As a track/performance car, and one that most P-car folks would appreciate more, the GT3. I went from a '99 C2 to a 993TT to my '04 GT3.

At the time, the GT3 was the perfect car for my track-oriented use. I was injured in a motorcycle accident a couple of years ago, and have lost function in my right foot; no more heel n toe (not that I was much good at it anyway). Combined with that, the fact that my advancing years makes it more of a chore to prep for track days, and my ins co stopped covering DEs, I no longer track. I have been jawing about moving to a 997S or an Aston Martin V8 Vantage for over a year now, but find it hard to part with the GT3, especially at the depressed prices out there (which is good for you).

At any rate, the GT3 will be much noisier, much rougher riding, and more twitchy than the 997. Depends on what comfort level you want.


thank you for the replies. I will definitely test drive a gt3 but was just wanting to find out more about them. How loud at regular cruising speeds are they in relation to say a 997s? Are the 997s engines better than the regular 996, concerning ims and rms?


well, if it helps I sold my 997S to buy an 00 GT3

the 997 is a very accomplished car;

with the PASM, it is more suited to street driving

if however you want the ultimate driving machine, then the GT3 is your car

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