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Hi All, I'm going to attempt to install a FM Modulator/USB Music System (Kenwood KOS-A200) in my 2005 Boxster with Bose (no PCM). I would like to get you opinion on two items:

1) I had a basic wired FM Modulator that worked great in my BMW-loved it. Instead of removing the head unit, I opened up the pillar where the antenna amplifier was situated and wired in the modulator there, between the feed from the head unit and the antenna amplifier. I understand that in the 987 it is located in the Passenger A-Pillar, I wish to do the same, and attach both of the leads to and from the modulator there with two antenna adapters (std motorola to euro antenna adapters). Is there enough room in there for these cables?, and do you think I could run them down to the passanger footwell area behind the glovebox where I plan to mount the modulator system? I really don't want to take out the headunit (too many headaches, keys etc...), so this is the easiest way I can imagine... what do you think?

2) Since the radio reception on the 2005 97 REALLY sucks, tons of static, station drifting etc... Porsche told me twice they checked it and everything was normal... (my dollar store radio picks up stations better!) I was thinking after feeding the sound in from the modulator into the CDR24, maybe instead of re-hooking up the ****ty windshield antenna and antenna amplifier with one of my euro cable convertors to the other side of the modulator, Now is my opportunity to replace that crummy antenna setup with a third party antenna or amplified antenna? what do you think? any recommendations/thoughts? something that could be hidden that works better?

Finally, I need switched and unswitched power, I was going to run those leads directly off the fuse panel (As the 987 doesn't have a phone connector with switched power,... unless the antenna amplifier in the A-pillar is switched and that may be a good source, since I already have that panel open......

Any thoughts, recommendations.....



Posted (edited)

I installed the KOS-A200 in my 2006 boxster (no bose). I actually have some pictures somewhere. Removing the head CDR-24 (I think that's the number) was actually pretty easy, as long as you do it knowing exactly how it's done. The local radio guy had no idea how to remove it, but I found this thread which gave me enough info. It's basically take off the side panels by pulling them straight out towards the rear of the vehicle, then turn all the head unit catches simultaneously. Just take your time, nothing needs to be forced.

You need some euro antennae clips to the american antenna version. I tapped power off the passenger footwell, and switched power from the fusebox, hooked into the head unit, then ran all the leads from the head unit underneath the center console (they just slid underneath from the side) to the KOS-A200 which I put behind the driver seat. The on/off switch is stuck to the dash. Putting the A200 behind the glovebox would be easy enough, too.

Set the A200 radio frequency to an existing station, so that when you turn off the car, it doesn't blare static at you.

Edit: lastly, I ran a mini phono and USB extension cable up the side, planning to mount it inside the center console storage. Never got around to it, but I do have the mounts. You could run these right into the glove box since you'll be right there.

I would give one word of warning -- don't charge electronics in the vehicle when you're not there to watch them (like in your glove box). I've seen phones catch on fire when being charged during the day, and burn cars.

Edited by stef

I just completed installing the KOS-A200, and it works fantastic. My friend and I completed the entire install... we ended up tapping the antenna behind the CDR-24. We installed the unit behind my seat. Tapped power switched and non from the fuse panel. Put the sensor next to the console. It looks great and sounds fantastic. That was the best $130 I spent on the car so far, wish I had done it two years ago... Having all the music on USB is so easy and cool. I notic that once in a blue moon, a song with pause then continue almost like a skip... but all my mp3s are from limewire, so i may have a corrupted file or two....do you experience this?

It is truly awesome...


  stef said:
I installed the KOS-A200 in my 2006 boxster (no bose). I actually have some pictures somewhere. Removing the head CDR-24 (I think that's the number) was actually pretty easy, as long as you do it knowing exactly how it's done. The local radio guy had no idea how to remove it, but I found this thread which gave me enough info. It's basically take off the side panels by pulling them straight out towards the rear of the vehicle, then turn all the head unit catches simultaneously. Just take your time, nothing needs to be forced.

You need some euro antennae clips to the american antenna version. I tapped power off the passenger footwell, and switched power from the fusebox, hooked into the head unit, then ran all the leads from the head unit underneath the center console (they just slid underneath from the side) to the KOS-A200 which I put behind the driver seat. The on/off switch is stuck to the dash. Putting the A200 behind the glovebox would be easy enough, too.

Set the A200 radio frequency to an existing station, so that when you turn off the car, it doesn't blare static at you.

Edit: lastly, I ran a mini phono and USB extension cable up the side, planning to mount it inside the center console storage. Never got around to it, but I do have the mounts. You could run these right into the glove box since you'll be right there.

I would give one word of warning -- don't charge electronics in the vehicle when you're not there to watch them (like in your glove box). I've seen phones catch on fire when being charged during the day, and burn cars.

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