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I wanted to see if anyone has detailed instructions on how I can remove the stock articulated spoiler on my 40th anniversary 996. I'd like to replace it with the fixed carrera spoiler.

I'm assuming the bodyshop is going to need to fit and modify it a bit before the install (aftermarket pieces never seem to fit exactly as promised), so I'd like to drop it in to see how "off" it's going to be before I go any further.

I have some other goodies going into the car this week. I'll post pics soon!

thanks in advance for your help.

  • Admin

Which spoiler are you getting? Most replace the whole deck lid.

You will need a new wiring harness since the new spoiler will have a fixed wing (so the light won't stay on). Discussed here


WOW, the was quick. --and from the man himself.

thanks Loren for your reply. I got the wing from departstop.com and I think it may be the same one the MA Shaw sells. It replaces the articulated spoiler and utilizes the stock decklid. The carrera wing also came with 2 wires for the third brake light, and a wiring harness which I believe is used to eleminate the 3rd brake light problem you had mentioned.

one other problem I'm incurring is that it looks like there SHOULD be some sort of mounting bracket that attaches the wing to the stock decklid. departstop.com has no idea if it comes with one or not. :unsure: ...that worries me.

The body shop insist that there should be something besides 2 small screws to hold it on. I had read in one of the threads that mentioned the mounting holes may differ from year to year on the 996 rear decklid.

I plan on contacting MA Shaw on tuesday to see if they supply to departstop.com and try to get some answers.

So, I'd like to try to take off the spoiler first and try to see how everything lines up, so I see if I need to try to return or exchange it.


  • Admin

I doubt it uses anything from the stock spoiler. You need to see or talk to the aftermarket spoiler company. Obviously you don't want it coming off at 150 MPH! I wouldn't use an aftermarket spoiler unless I was very sure of the quality - on Porsche's they are not "just for looks".


ah, gotcha.

I'll see what they have to say and if I can exchange it for the OEM one. My intial intentions were to buy the OEM carrera wing, but the owner of departstop.com said the replica was "just as good" and the OEM would eventually start to sag in the middle... <_<

thanks Loren!



so I talked to Mike from MA Shaw and he confirmed that it is one of his spoilers. I guaranteed that i would have no problems and that it had been speed tested.

He said that it is exactly replicated from a factory original.

he continued that I could go to his bodyshop where they completed all of their work for their customers vehicles.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopes this all works out.

  • 3 years later...

so I talked to Mike from MA Shaw and he confirmed that it is one of his spoilers. I guaranteed that i would have no problems and that it had been speed tested.

He said that it is exactly replicated from a factory original.

he continued that I could go to his bodyshop where they completed all of their work for their customers vehicles.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopes this all works out.

I have the opposite problem. I need to remove a fixed wing installed by a prior owner and return to the OEM spoiler. Does anyone have detailed instructions? I think detailed instructions of how to remove it to install a fixed wing would work.

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