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I am new to this forum, what a great site! I have made my donation today to contribute to the maintenance of this site. Well worth the cost in my opinion.

I will replace my OEM drivers seat with a Sparco Rev, I have searched the DIY forum in search for the tightening torque for the 4 bolts attaching the seat to the floor. Does anyone know?

Are there any guidelines regarding the bolts? Should you replace the old bolts with new once's before assembly? Should you use Loctite "thread locking fluid"? Anything else to be aware of?

I have heated front seats (live at latitude 57° north in the south of Sweden), but the Sparco will not (I do not use my Porsche from October to April ;) ). Do I have to do any mods to the wiring harness or is it just to never push the button for the heated seats?


Anders Johansson

Trollhattan (hometown of the Saab cars)


Porsche 996 Carrera 2 1998

  • Admin

:welcome: and thank you for your donation!

The torque for the seat screws is 65 Nm (48 ftlb.). They should not need Loctite and should not need to be replaced unless they are damaged.

Most important in seat removal: Do not have the key in the ignition (better yet disconnect the battery). If the key is in the ignition when you disconnect the air bag wiring harness then you will get an air bag failure light. You can only turn the light off with a dealers PST2.


You do not have to make any changes to the wiring harness under the seat. What you may need to do is transfer the seat belt recepticle from the stock seat over to the Sparco and reconnect the two wires running from the seat belt recepticle to the two pins in the wiring harness under the seat (I believe these are pins 7-8 but check to make sure before you disconnect the stock seats). If you do not do this, the air bag warning light on the dash is triggered (I don't know why).

This is necessary for sure on North American cars but I'm not sure if it is with a Euro car, I think the safety and warning regulations may be different.



Definitely disconnect the battery. I do that anytime I touch the electricals.

You do not have to worry about reconnecting the wire harness under the seat. The heated seat switches wont do anything unless they are hooked up so pressing them wont hurt anything.

You will need to either buy another seatbelt receptacle or transfer the existing one to the sparco. If you buy the B&K side seat mounts then they provide a hole to which you can mount the receptacle.

The porsche electical connectors are well over-engineered. They can be tricky to disconnect the first time you see one. Once you remove the connector from where it is attached to the bottom of the seat, hold the connector by the sides so that the wires are coming out the top and bottom, then pull the two sides sideways and connector will separate (this is hard to describe).

If you are using the seat belt connector from the seat you will then have to remove its connector from the connector bundle. This should be the blue 4 pin connector. To get this one out you have to remove a U shaped plastic retainer that is on the side of the connector bundle. When you remove this note the orientation of the connector (the connector is 4 pins in a square. One side of the connector has a tab.) The tab points to the "outside". When you hook the connector to the wire harness that is attached to the car make sure you put it back in correctly.

After you put the sparco seat back in hook up the seat belt connector. I tape the connector to the in car wire harness to keep it from coming apart.

Now you can hook the battery back up.

If you are planning on using harnesses then when you do so the seatbelt warning light will not go out. You can defeat the light by either plugging in the 3 point belt to the seat belt receptacle and routing the belt behind the seat, buying another seat belt tongue to plug in or making a tongue out of a piece of plastic (I used an old hotel plastic card key).


Thankyou everyone for the input. I searched the forum and found a link with pictures etc of how to replace the seats (GT3 seat, but the procedure should be the same).

With the information from you guys I do not think I will run in to any problems.

I will keep the 3 point belt, and yes there is a hole in the metal bracket of the seat (for adjusting position). I will have to move the seat belt connector.

Next question; tightening torque for this bolt?

When disconnecting the battery, is the re-entry of the code for the Radio-CD all you have to think about regarding all electrical functions when you have finished the job?



The spec that I have for my cobra seat is 35 nt-m or about 25 ft-lbs. In should be in the docs for the seat. It has also been suggested that this is a good place to use some loctite as the bolts may have a tendency to loosen. I have not had that problem. YMMV.

The only other electrical thing that needs to be reset is the automatic up/down function of the windows.

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