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So glad i came accross this thread, always thought that there was nothing that could be done about the exhaust going quiet then coming back on a few thousand rpm later! I do have two questions for anyone that may be able to help me, i have the PSE fitted (obviously!) but i do not have the switch on the dash, car is a 2002 3.6 carrera4,

the questions are how hard is it to fit the switch, as in wiring it up, and does this mean that it was not a factory fitted option?

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So glad i came accross this thread, always thought that there was nothing that could be done about the exhaust going quiet then coming back on a few thousand rpm later! I do have two questions for anyone that may be able to help me, i have the PSE fitted (obviously!) but i do not have the switch on the dash, car is a 2002 3.6 carrera4,

the questions are how hard is it to fit the switch, as in wiring it up, and does this mean that it was not a factory fitted option?


I don't think the switch was a factory option until MY2003. If you have option XLF on your options sticker then the sport exhaust was a factory install rather than a dealer install.


Thanks Loren, a wealth of information as always! will check it out when i get back home from work in a few weeks, any idea if it is possible to put the switch in if it is a factory fitted system?


Porsche list the control system in the Tequipment catalogue, so you can buy it as a kit rather than the individual parts.

Contributing Members can view the TSB which covers installation of the PSE, showing exactly what is involved in connecting up the control system. dry.gif

  • 6 months later...

I wanted to add that if you are doing a PSE installation from scratch and have to run the PSE wiring harness (or are having someone do the install for you), an alternative to cutting the diode in the relay is to simply not to install the Speedometer Signal A wire (Grey/Pink) that goes from the Relay socket pin 6 to the jumper plug 1/1 in slot 23 of the relay support. Simply tie that line off. If at a later time you want to activate the speed cutout, it is easy to just install the wire in Jumper Plug 1/1, Slot 23.

My car is a 1999 cabriolet with PSE installed complete with the vacuum cutoff but without the dash switch. I would like to add the dash so I can turn the system off completely if desired. Is a wiring diagram of harness available to add the swith later?

thanks for any help.

  • Admin

I wanted to add that if you are doing a PSE installation from scratch and have to run the PSE wiring harness (or are having someone do the install for you), an alternative to cutting the diode in the relay is to simply not to install the Speedometer Signal A wire (Grey/Pink) that goes from the Relay socket pin 6 to the jumper plug 1/1 in slot 23 of the relay support. Simply tie that line off. If at a later time you want to activate the speed cutout, it is easy to just install the wire in Jumper Plug 1/1, Slot 23.

My car is a 1999 cabriolet with PSE installed complete with the vacuum cutoff but without the dash switch. I would like to add the dash so I can turn the system off completely if desired. Is a wiring diagram of harness available to add the swith later?

thanks for any help.

Yes, you can buy the switch and wire it up.

The switch option did not come out until MY03.

I'll send you a PM.

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I wanted to add that if you are doing a PSE installation from scratch and have to run the PSE wiring harness (or are having someone do the install for you), an alternative to cutting the diode in the relay is to simply not to install the Speedometer Signal A wire (Grey/Pink) that goes from the Relay socket pin 6 to the jumper plug 1/1 in slot 23 of the relay support. Simply tie that line off. If at a later time you want to activate the speed cutout, it is easy to just install the wire in Jumper Plug 1/1, Slot 23.

My car is a 1999 cabriolet with PSE installed complete with the vacuum cutoff but without the dash switch. I would like to add the dash so I can turn the system off completely if desired. Is a wiring diagram of harness available to add the swith later?

thanks for any help.

Here is the install instructions for the Sports Exhaust System. In this installation document are the connections into the relay block for adding the switch.

Sports Exhaust System 03.pdf


I wanted to add that if you are doing a PSE installation from scratch and have to run the PSE wiring harness (or are having someone do the install for you), an alternative to cutting the diode in the relay is to simply not to install the Speedometer Signal A wire (Grey/Pink) that goes from the Relay socket pin 6 to the jumper plug 1/1 in slot 23 of the relay support. Simply tie that line off. If at a later time you want to activate the speed cutout, it is easy to just install the wire in Jumper Plug 1/1, Slot 23.

My car is a 1999 cabriolet with PSE installed complete with the vacuum cutoff but without the dash switch. I would like to add the dash so I can turn the system off completely if desired. Is a wiring diagram of harness available to add the swith later?

thanks for any help.

Here is the install instructions for the Sports Exhaust System. In this installation document are the connections into the relay block for adding the switch.

Sports Exhaust System 03.pdf


  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Awesome mod, completed it in just a few minutes and went for a drive... glorious to hear the exhaust note all the time :)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...
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I want to go further in this question, anyone knows what kind of signal is speedometer signal? I mean if is a TTL or analogic voltage signal type

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

As I recall it is TTL.

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  • 3 years later...
On 25.7.2006 at 10:46 PM, Bernd_911 said:


This is so great! So great that I had to register just to post this post.

Have had my new-to-me C4S for about a week now and the cutout has been quite annoying. This was such an easy mod with a great result !


- Greetings from Norway

  • 2 years later...

This may be a bit off topic, but I just cut the diode and have a question.


It worked when engine started, but after few minutes I could hear the rattle until engine hot.


Any idea?





  • 4 years later...
On 1/17/2005 at 5:06 PM, P.Viby said:

Okay, I did this mod, but instead of taking the diode out I just released one of the the pins from the printboard, Took a piece of wire (2 pol) and connected a single pol switch in between.

Now I can control if I want the mod to work or if everything just work as normal (speed cutoff of the PSE).

Switch cost under 1 USD. So this must be the cheapest hack ever 😄






From what I understand, you simply inserted a switch between the diode and the board, right?


Seems like an elegant solution, and with the relay being north of $200 now, a good way to keep the car closer to stock.

  • 1 year later...

So I managed to get the relay out of the car, but can't for the life of me open it up!


Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. 2 small screwdrivers in each side and pulling but no joy. Extremely frustrating when I have the relay sitting on my desk in front of me 🙈 

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