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My newly acquired 01 C2 is nearly perfect but it seems to be running a little hot. I've done a search on past threads about this. On the highway it points to the '0' of the 180 or a little over. In stop and go at 70F with moderate driving, I see the pointer close up to the middle white mark that is between 180 and 250. (Is that 215?) I noticed that the front bumper is warm on one side but not the other. Assuming my engine now operates at 210, should I refrain from spirited driving?

The dealership will be looking at it, but my initial experience with them hasn't been very satisfactory so I'm interested in your thoughts.


  • Admin

Most likely road debris caught in the front radiator (warm side). Clean the radiator well (as the manual recommends). Worst case remove the front bumper and do a complete cleaning.


You should turn your A/C on and wait a few minutes and the electric fans should turn on. You should then hear and feel air being drawn in through the front bumper opening on both sides, as there are radiators and fans on each side. Possible one fan is not working. I also have A 2001 c2 and I run in the center of the o on the 180 mark most of the time at temperatures under 90F.



I will look for debris. However the temperature difference between the two corners was not slight. One was cool to touch, perhaps 68F and the other 90-100F, so internally the difference could be greater and I'm not sure if debris alone can account for it.

In the meantime, I'll take it easy driving while my car can believe that it's running on the track! Hopefully extended periods of 210F won't cause any premature wear.



Did not see your comment as I was posting at the same time. Thanks, I will give that a try.

  • Admin
How many radiators does an C2 have?  two or three?
One radiator in front of each front wheel (2). There is also an A/C condenser in front of each radiator. Exceptions with three are: Tiptronic cars, X51 cars, GT3, and cars like mine that have the third radiator added on.


Third radiator (only on some cars)


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