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My porsche sport exhaust is in for my new CS4. Question, is the old exhaust worth anything since it is pretty much brand new? Should I just give it to the dealer or is their a potential buyer out there on eBay or third party porsche service company?



Funnily enough I am in the same position - just about to get a sports exhaust for my C4S & wondering what to do with the "old" one.

I am just going to fit the back boxes so when I sell the car I will probably put the original boxes back on - very easy swap back.

Then sell the sports exhaust as a second hand unit - used sports exhaust are like hens teeth & I would imagine I will re-coup most of my outlay.

It means I wont have the switch to quieten it down but I live in the middle of nowhere so not an issue.


Thanks for the feedback. Couple of questions, I currently have the chrome four-tube sports tailpipes. Do this attached to the new sports exhaust system or do they put on different tips? I was also told that because the exhaust system was an add on that I they could not install the on-off switch on the dash to turn the exhaust on-off for loudness. Is this true or can the switch be installed? I'm an fine with not have the switch but wanted to know what is possible.

  • Admin
Thanks for the feedback.  Couple of questions, I currently have the chrome four-tube sports tailpipes.  Do this attached to the new sports exhaust system or do they put on different tips?  I was also told that because the exhaust system was an add on that I they could not install the on-off switch on the dash to turn the exhaust on-off for loudness.  Is this true or can the switch be installed?  I'm an fine with not have the switch but wanted to know what is possible.

Yes the stock tailpipes are used on the PSE. No changes.

You can add the switch to any sport exhaust new or old. You just have to wire it up.



Does the switch come with the PSE or do I have to order this? Would my dealer install this as part of the standard install process or do I need to make an additinal request.


  • Admin

It does not come with any sport exhaust it is always a separate order.

The choices are:

996 613 987 10 A05 Switch, sports exhaust system; installation location right of radio

996 613 988 10 A05 Switch, sports exhaust system; installation location left of radio

Your dealer has a TSB that shows them how to install the both PSE and switch.


The switch itself is a separate order (that is just the switch itself, not the main electronics). I think the PSE usually comes with the rest of the electronics needed to make the on-off switch active, but I have seen the exhausts and the electronics sold separately.

I'm sure there are more detailed threads here, but to make a long story short, installing the electronics and switch is quite a project. Cost to install just the exhausts should be $150-$250. Additional cost for the electronics is roughly an additional 6 hours labor (more or less).

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