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Does anyone have a PCM 1 manual handy? My nav seems to be "lost," but it is picking up 5-7 satellites so the antenna seems to be working. On my old TrafficPro, I could go to a menu and run a "calibration" function to fix it. I cannot seem to find such a screen for PCM 1, and I do not have a manual. Your help would be greatly appreciated.




Thank you very much. I couldn't even get my dealers to tell me that. I recently have changed tires and shut of power to the unit, which explains why I need to calibrate.

Todd :clapping:


Is there a similar thing for PCM II?? Mine has gotten me lost/took me to different towns!! once or twice...


  • Admin

please can you send me the manual for the PCM1 calibration (and/or other service functions) too!?!

Sorry, I do not have the manual for PCM 1. I sent TD in DC the calibration instructions from the service manual.



the calibration instructions from the service manual are the thing i want too!

i have the pcm1 manual by myself.

thanks :)

  • Admin

the calibration instructions from the service manual are the thing i want too!

i have the pcm1 manual by myself.

thanks  :)

You've got mail....



Sorry to be a pain... please could you mail me the calibration manual too... I had to shut the unit off recently so this would be really useful.

Thanks in advance.



The instructions were great, and I spent about 1 1/2 hours going through the process but . . . it did not work. If I turn on the Nav unit, it correctly registers my location. However, when I drive away from that location, the arrow correctly rotates to show direction but never moves. This leads me to believe that one or more of the sensors is faulty or disconnected from the unit? Does the service manual have a plug diagram so that I can trace the wires for the sensor?



  • Admin

The instructions were great, and I spent about 1 1/2 hours going through the process but . . . it did not work.  If I turn on the Nav unit, it correctly registers my location.  However, when I drive away from that location, the arrow correctly rotates to show direction but never moves. This leads me to believe that one or more of the sensors is faulty or disconnected from the unit?  Does the service manual have a plug diagram so that I can trace the wires for the sensor?



You've got (more) mail...

  • 3 weeks later...

I recently bought a '98 996 and the pcm1 is showing a location is the states (I'm in London, UK!) - can anyone tell me how to recalibrate the pcm1?

It looks like someone may have a manual! - If you do, could you email me some details? email: ross_aj@hotmail.com

Thanks folks!

  • 1 year later...


I'm new to these forums but the wealth of information here is just incredible. Makes me want to smack that smug little punk at the dealership with a laptop. He just loves it when he can sneer and tell me there's nothing he can do to help me, as if customers are nothing more than a pain in the ***...

So anyway, I also have PCM 1, 8-bit, and I just got the proper map disc. Same deal as others have mentioned, it can't keep track of the satellites and know my proper position for more than a few minutes.

I'd love to know how to calibrate this system and make it work. Can anybody send me some information? Or better yet...post it in the DIY section for everybody to see? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Dan Phillips

Grand Rapids, Michigan

'99 Carrera 4, Midnight Blue Metallic


  • Admin

Calibration Process for PCM1:

The PCM navigation unit must be calibrated after maintenance work or commissioning. Calibration is the prerequisite for exact route guidance.

Procedure after commissioning:

Please observe the sequence!

- Switch on the PCM with a free panoramic view for approx. 20 minutes (to load GPS almanac).

- Drive on a motorway if possible at a speed greater than 60 km/h for a distance of approx. 50 km (calibration of the distance measurement).

- Drive approx. 10 km in an urban area and take frequent turn-offs. Stop for approx. 10 seconds occasionally (calibration of the gyroscope).

- Switch on the PCM navigation unit for approx. one hour with the vehicle horizontal (temperature compensation of the gyroscope).

Calibration is necessary after the following maintenance work:

- After changing a tyre

- After the power supply has been interrupted

Procedure after changing a tyre

- Drive on a motorway if possible at a speed greater than 60 km/h for a distance of approx, 50 km. (Calibration of the distance measurement)

Procedure after the power supply has been interrupted:

- Switch on the PCMwith a free panoramic view for approx. 20 minutes (to load GPS almanac)

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

the calibration instructions from the service manual are the thing i want too!

i have the pcm1 manual by myself.

thanks :)

Hi Tom Sch, I am new here ;)

Plse can you send me the manual for the Nav pcm1.

Thanks in advance, regards, Jo

Edited by offshorecl1

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