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A shop put a hole in my cab top while replacing my suspension. They have agreed to fix it under their insurance. My question is should I get an aftermarket top which the insurance will cover the entire price for (about $2300) or should I get OEM Porsche (About $4000 of which I have to pay $1000). The trim shop tells me the tops are the same material and look. What I am concerned about is fit though. I’ve been assured I will like the end result. Anyone else have any experience with aftermarket tops? – Please let me know. I need to make a decision in the next few days.



I guess a lot depends on the reputation and quality of the shop doing the work. If the car is leased I wouldn't spend the money.

If you own the car and plan on keeping it for some years I'd go with the OEM.

However, I would have a long conversation with the owner of the shop and talk "restoration" rather than "repair." I'd also find out about their insurance company and stir the pot there. You never know what the outcome is.

Are you concerned about the quality of the material, or the quality of workmanship? It seems to me that if it is the material, they would have some of it around for you to look at.


Wait a minute. They ruin your Porsche top and then they tell you that you will have to pay $1000 to have an equivalent OEM top? They owe you a new *Porsche* top, at no expense to you.

Don't settle for anything less than the Porsche factory top, installed at a Porsche dealer. If they get snakey with you, then have your attorney give them a phone call.

How did they put a hole in the top installing a suspension? These people sound like morons. Don't let them touch your car.

Good luck.



That's not right!

They owe you a replacement stock factory top at no cost to you.

If they damaged your breaks would you accept any other replacement

but OEM? I think not.

Make certain you get one with the glass window ;-)


They damaged your OEM top and they own you an OEM top. Why would you have to pay the different to the after marker. If the insurance only cover the after maket top, the suspension shop have to cover the rest of the cost.


I agree with alll. But, the point Benny makes about the glass I think is not relevent, is it? Last time I checked you could not put a glass window in a 98-01MY car that has the plastic window to begin with b/c of the way folds dow into the rear bay. If you had plastic to begin with then plastic you have to stay with. Please let me know if I am wrong since I will be replacing my MY00 CAB top shortly and would like to have a "correct" response before I go shell out some serious cash. I wold love to have glass.

I thought this has been raised before?




A year or so ago some brainless no-hoper stuck a knife through the side

of my top. When I had it replaced, the dealer gave me the option to go for the glass one. I said yes of course. But they had problems getting one in stock. So after waiting three weeks without my car I went for the plastic window.


Berny <<<<<< whos Benny?

Posted (edited)

Sorry, typo Berny. It still early here in the states and I need more coffee :)

I would prefer a glass window, but like I said I was told plastic is the only option. THat is wierd that the dealer offered glass to you. Maybe he promised something he couldn't deliver and then gave excuse after excuse till you changed to plastic?


Edited by LVDell
I would prefer a glass window, but like I said I was told plastic is the only option.  THat is wierd that the dealer offered glass to you.  Maybe he promised something he couldn't deliver and then gave excuse after excuse till you changed to plastic?

I would prefer a glass window, but like I said I was told plastic is the only option. THat is wierd that the dealer offered glass to you. Maybe he promised something he couldn't deliver and then gave excuse after excuse till you changed to plastic?


From what you say, you could be right! It would not suprise me.


The reason why they will not cover the entire amount is because of depreciation. The insurance company is discounting the top 10% for every 10K miles on the car.

The issue for me is do I want to spend the extra $1000 for OEM or will an aftermarket product be just as good. I'll keep you abreast of the situation.



I think what everyone is trying to say is that it does not matter, that the top is x years old, they damaged a oem top, they owe you an oem top. Was there any other damage to the top, prior to what they did ? were you going to replace it anyway, due to damage or wear ? If not, then I would demand they replace with an oem and the company that damaged it, would have to pay what their insurance will not. I mean really, what is the company out ? nothing, you pay the diff. total BS


That very crappy of them. The top was perfect before the mishap correct? Then it is their responsibility to fix that! DO NOT back down. Insurance companies do not do that, they replace. So if they dented the fender they would apply the same formula? Doesn't make sense and it very unethical of them to try and do this to you. Anything to get out of payment is what they are trying to do--minimize THEIR loss/fault.


I agree with LVDell. While a new OEM top may technically be "betterment" I do not see how they can force you to accept anything less. You had an OEM to to begin with.

I am in the middle of a claim against an insurance company after a client of theirs ran into my 996 causing minor damage. If I had to do it again, I would pay for my repairs and rental car myself and then bill the person who hit me. Let them deal with their insurance company, not me. Before spending a dollar of my own, I would check with a lawyer.

Also, I used to have a 1983 911 cabriolet. I had one of the best shops in the country replace it's top. It was never the same. It did not open and close as easily which significantly decreased the enjoyment of my car. That was a simple, manual top.

I am afraid the path of least resistance may make you poorer and/or unhappy. Good luck, whatever you decide. Please let us know how things turn out and if you are happy with the repair.


Thanks for all of your comments. It has helped me to reinforce my stance. I will demand that the shop pay for the difference. Fortunately I am a lawyer. I will do a little research on the law and see what I can do. I'll keep everyone abreast of whats going on.

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