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Posted (edited)

Copy/pasted from another forum, just looking for help for him..

I was driving home last night and noticed a tick tick tick coming from the engine. I recently installed a K&N and thought the filter was hitting the pulleys. That's what it sounded like initially. However, after pulling in my garage it sounded a heck of a lot worse. Here's video with sound of the noise. Please turn your speakers up. I have a sinking feeling about this...

video: http://img.photobucket.com/player.swf?file...97/VID00001.flv

The engine only has 69k miles on it. No fluids are leaking and no CEL's have been thrown. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

and someone replied:


Originally Posted by daytrader

After hearing it, I think I know what it is. When I first installed the K&N intake I tested drive the car at WOT. Came back got the same similar sound that you have. I hope it is the same problem I had because it is a easy fix.

Have some one stand behind the car with engine lid open, look down closely at the back metal plate of the K&N against the engine pulley. You notice that there is a allen screw locate near the pulley on the K&N plate. What happened is that the designer of the K&N didn't see the screw location is too close to the pulley. Feel the allen screw for shaving. If the head screw was shave then you need to move the intake further out. There is not much room but it can be done.

to which he replied:

Exactly what I thought last night. I pulled the filter box out and it still exists. It very very much sounds like it's coming from the crank case. It's a very very consistant tick...if you increase the idle the noise increases in kind. It's very rhythemic...the wierd thing is that there's no tick tick tick tick TOCK sound like a rod got thrown.

any help would be appreciated! Thanks

Edited by lucky_topher


I see three likely possibilities:

1. The new filter is dragging on the pulley and you just missed it. Remove the filter and start the car to check it.

2. While changing the filter a loose screw or washer fell in the intake and was injested into a cylinder. Not the end of the world but needs to be removed ASAP.

3. A noisy lifter just developed and is unrelated to the new filter. Engine oil clean and levels ok? Should be repairable.

Good luck.

Posted (edited)

I see three likely possibilities:

1. The new filter is dragging on the pulley and you just missed it. Remove the filter and start the car to check it.

2. While changing the filter a loose screw or washer fell in the intake and was injested into a cylinder. Not the end of the world but needs to be removed ASAP.

3. A noisy lifter just developed and is unrelated to the new filter. Engine oil clean and levels ok? Should be repairable.

Good luck.

If the tick is located by the alternator, it's the EGR valve perfectly normal.

Edited by KevinMac

Is the noise louder when you remove the oil cap? This might help id whether the sound is internal or not. Sure sounds like external due to the level of the noise. Check for tools dropped in bay as well as all componants that might be hitting a pulley. Although is sounds too loud to be....it also could be electrical arching.

Is the noise louder when you remove the oil cap? This might help id whether the sound is internal or not. Sure sounds like external due to the level of the noise. Check for tools dropped in bay as well as all componants that might be hitting a pulley. Although is sounds too loud to be....it also could be electrical arching.

Was finally able to get your video going, it's not the EGR!


Is the check engine light on? Was the car down on power a bit? If so, it could be a broken valve spring. It is not common, but possible. A broken spring is not terminal but is not a cheap fix either.

  • 2 years later...

I know this is an older post, but I have this same problem (same exact noise as in the video). Resolution?

Also, after I drove to lunch today, the noise stopped (for now that is). I'd like to get to the bottom of this... it would be nice to have your findings.

Posted (edited)

Not sure if all this math is sound (no pun intended):

Knowing that the revolutions of the cams are 1/2 that of the crankshaft.

At idle ~800rpm is ~13.3 r p s

IF it was a valve lifter -- the frequency would be 1/2 that.or about 6.6 times a second.

If I got my math right -- can you determine how many clicks there are and isolate it from there?

Has the car been tracked? IS there any chance you spun a bearing?


Edited by txhokie4life

Do we have any updates on this? I just had my car towed to the shop for the same sound. Would like a little more infor before the deal calls with what they think it is. Thanks everyone

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