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Posted (edited)

For some reason mine does not say the firmware on the ipod either. I seem to recall reading somewere that this changed with one of the recent firmwares.. don't know why.

With mine to select Ipod GW, Aux, etc I:

- press CD (ipod will start playing)

- press audio button at bottom of PCM (you won't get text on the main PCM screen) <- you are in the audio menu?

- press and hold "6" to select the source

- On right hand side of screen you have CD list and track list

- Select track list and push right knob

- depending on ver of firmware, you'll either

- see Ipod GW, select it by with the right knob and press right knob

- see source, etc etc etc - select source, then hold FF for a few seconds, then do ipod gw step above

- You should now be good to go

If you are in the "audio" menu, you must have CD list and track list down the right side of the PCM, and there should be textin those menus. If there is not, or you don't have CD list or track list, then this looks to be like a PCM version issue.

If the above doesn't work then I'd suggest that you raise a support ticket with dension re the PCM version. They are usually pretty quick to reply.

At least then we know with route to persue with troubleshooting.



Edited by mattd

Enzo, are you able to access the menus at all? Cos you need to go into the CD List, then pick Menu, then go to Track List and pick Source - then you'll see the 4 options listed there.

If I have time I'll try to shoot some video of this and post it somewhere, failing that if anyone else can do that, please do!

I think we're agreed though that your Dension is stuck in iPod UI mode and needs to be switched into iPod GW mode.

Worth getting down to your dealer to get the firmware update on PCM, alternatively get it from the net at your own risk.

Also have you tried getting help from Eric @ Bumperplugs? He's US based and may be able to advise seeing as he shifts a lot of GW500s to Porsche owners.

Posted (edited)

First of all, thanks a million to the both of you for helping me I really appreciate it!

To crxvtec,

Whenever I go to the CD List I don't even see the MENU option just CD 1, CD 2, CD 3, CD 4, CD 5, CD 6.

I have spoke to Eric @ BumperPlugs.com and he's been very helpful but I haven't yet figured this out.


To mattd,

If you are in the "audio" menu, you must have CD list and track list down the right side of the PCM, and there should be textin those menus. If there is not, or you don't have CD list or track list, then this looks to be like a PCM version issue.

I went to the audio menu and I do have text on the right side under CD List and Track but no text, just simply CD 1, CD 2, CD 3, CD 4, CD 5, CD6 and under tracks, TRACK 1, TRACK 2, TRACK 3, so no menu at all or AUX, IPOD GW, IPOD UI, etc...

Sounds like you could be right about my PCM being outdated or something.

Here a video of me fiddling with the menu's so you can see what's going on.

My iPod isn't plugged in because i'm making the video with it but it makes no difference, if it was plugged it would just be playing... and would be under cd 3 or cd 2.

At the end I put it in config mode and you can see I can't see any text there either so I can't enable text, lol.

Also I can't get it to go past 99 tracks...

Edited by enzo


Updated the PCM from 2.1 to 3.0 to see if that could be a compatibility issue.

I'll post back with any changes.


Problem finally solved... Had to load a test firmware being released soon.

Apparently the current firmware 2.11 wasn't working with my PCM.

If you have this problem, contact Dension or wait a couple weeks for the new firmware release.


I'm glad you got to the bottom of it - and nice of Dension to listen to your pleas and fix it in firmware!

I presume we'll all get the new firmware as 2.12 some point soon.

Did you get any benefit from the PCM upgrade?


I called my dealer today to ask about my first service. I also asked about updating the PCM software. They are telling me that the 3.x version is only for "newer" Porsches and won't work in mine. In fact, they are saying there is no update for mine. My Boxster has build date of 1/05. I hit the Main and Trip buttons and it's showing version 1.0. Shouldn't I be able to at least upgrade to 2.x? Another thing is, It is showing the first 3 items with the triangle next to it and only "Navigation System" has a check next to it. Is that a problem? CD Changer does not show but I do not have it installed. Does the person I was talking to know what she was talking about? This is of interest to me because I plan on getting the Dension and am concerned about compatibility with this old SW release.

She also said that if I bought the newest navigation DVD's, there is no software update. I can just stick in the new DVD. This seems contrary to what I've read.


I'm glad you got to the bottom of it - and nice of Dension to listen to your pleas and fix it in firmware!

I presume we'll all get the new firmware as 2.12 some point soon.

Did you get any benefit from the PCM upgrade?

Yeah, it was really weird that mine specific PCM wasn't working with the available firmwares at the time...

I updated mine from 2.1 to 3.0 but that didn't even do anything, it was the new firmware they sent me that fixed it.

As far as the PCM upgrade, I haven't noticed anything.

Posted (edited)
I called my dealer today to ask about my first service. I also asked about updating the PCM software. They are telling me that the 3.x version is only for "newer" Porsches and won't work in mine. In fact, they are saying there is no update for mine. My Boxster has build date of 1/05. I hit the Main and Trip buttons and it's showing version 1.0. Shouldn't I be able to at least upgrade to 2.x? Another thing is, It is showing the first 3 items with the triangle next to it and only "Navigation System" has a check next to it. Is that a problem? CD Changer does not show but I do not have it installed. Does the person I was talking to know what she was talking about? This is of interest to me because I plan on getting the Dension and am concerned about compatibility with this old SW release.

She also said that if I bought the newest navigation DVD's, there is no software update. I can just stick in the new DVD. This seems contrary to what I've read.


Unfortunately I can't answer all your question but once you get your dealer to activate your CD Changer it should show up under MAIN and TRIP. That's how it was for my 997 anyway I believe it should be the same as far as I've read.

Definitely contact them first for full compatibility questions... They are prompt and very informative.

Edited by enzo
Posted (edited)
I called my dealer today to ask about my first service. I also asked about updating the PCM software. They are telling me that the 3.x version is only for "newer" Porsches and won't work in mine. In fact, they are saying there is no update for mine. My Boxster has build date of 1/05. I hit the Main and Trip buttons and it's showing version 1.0. Shouldn't I be able to at least upgrade to 2.x? Another thing is, It is showing the first 3 items with the triangle next to it and only "Navigation System" has a check next to it. Is that a problem? CD Changer does not show but I do not have it installed. Does the person I was talking to know what she was talking about? This is of interest to me because I plan on getting the Dension and am concerned about compatibility with this old SW release.

She also said that if I bought the newest navigation DVD's, there is no software update. I can just stick in the new DVD. This seems contrary to what I've read.


Your dealer is full of it :) They are probably confused about PCM 3.0, rather than software release B (3.0) for PCM 2.1. Update level B (3.0) is a pre-req for the recent map updates.

If you are currently on version 1.0 you are on the PCM revision "standard production status".

If your Boxster was built in 01/05 it is capable of version 3.0 PCM software.

By the way if you update from 1.0 to 3.0 then your current Nav DVD will stop working and you'll need a map DVD from at least 04/2005.

I suggest you go and have another talk to your dealer :) They should have a read of technical service bulletin (TSB) 9110 - PCM2.1 Navigation Update, which describes the update process. If you are a contributing member on here you can view it yourself. Print it off and show them :)

PS - there are plenty of recent Nav DVDs on Ebay - far cheaper than from your dealer.

Edited by mattd
Your dealer is full of it :) They are probably confused about PCM 3.0, rather than software release B (3.0) for PCM 2.1. Update level B (3.0) is a pre-req for the recent map updates.

If you are currently on version 1.0 you are on the PCM revision "standard production status".

If your Boxster was built in 01/05 it is capable of version 3.0 PCM software.

By the way if you update from 1.0 to 3.0 then your current Nav DVD will stop working and you'll need a map DVD from at least 04/2005.

I suggest you go and have another talk to your dealer :) They should have a read of technical service bulletin (TSB) 9110 - PCM2.1 Navigation Update, which describes the update process. If you are a contributing member on here you can view it yourself. Print it off and show them :)

PS - there are plenty of recent Nav DVDs on Ebay - far cheaper than from your dealer.

Thanks for that info! I really want to update the maps, too, anyway so I'll take a look on ebay.

Posted (edited)

Just to confirm what MATTD said , All PCM 2.1 units are capable of running at least software version 3 (this is level B ). Some will require an update to level A first, others will already be at level A and can update directly to level B. The PCM update is done using separate Cd's loaded into the PCM itself , though hte dealer can also configure/ load the update using the workshop tool. The only real benefit of this update on earlier cars is the ability to use map DVD's of production date 04.2005 or later. If the PCM is not updated then the newer MAP DVD software cannot be run on the navigation system and the map cannot be read. The navigation software comes as part of the MAP DVD disc and is loaded the first time the new disc is run. For those in the Uk the update allows newer map DVD's which have TMC or traffic alert information enabled to run on the PCM.

From the pics you have taken you are currently at software version 2.1 , this will be level A , so you can update to version 3 which will be level B.

Edited by berty987
Posted (edited)
Just to confirm what MATTD said , All PCM 2.1 units are capable of running at least software version 3 (this is level B ). Some will require an update to level A first, others will already be at level A and can update directly to level B. The PCM update is done using separate Cd's loaded into the PCM itself , though hte dealer can also configure/ load the update using the workshop tool. The only real benefit of this update on earlier cars is the ability to use map DVD's of production date 04.2005 or later. If the PCM is not updated then the newer MAP DVD software cannot be run on the navigation system and the map cannot be read. The navigation software comes as part of the MAP DVD disc and is loaded the first time the new disc is run. For those in the Uk the update allows newer map DVD's which have TMC or traffic alert information enabled to run on the PCM.

From the pics you have taken you are currently at software version 2.1 , this will be level A , so you can update to version 3 which will be level B.

Here's what mine looks like when I hit "Main" and "Trip":


And here's the message I get when switching over to NAV (at the bottom). It goes away after a few seconds. Does anyone else have this? I was hoping the software update would fix it.


I was also hoping the software update would improve some of the functionality, but I guess that's hoping for too much. :P

Edited by Mr. D-987 S

That PCM can be upgraded to 3.0.

Does you Nav work at all?

Please can you eject the DVD and read off the date on the front?

That PCM can be upgraded to 3.0.

Does you Nav work at all?

Please can you eject the DVD and read off the date on the front?

Yes, everything seems to work just fine, I just get the message and it goes away after a few seconds. The date on the DVD is 04/2005.


Posted (edited)
Yes, everything seems to work just fine, I just get the message and it goes away after a few seconds. The date on the DVD is 04/2005.

If the date on the DVD is 04/2005 then you are ok to update the PCM2.1 to version 3.0 (model level B ) and will not need to purchase a new navigation DVD. If you want to update your Nav DVD that will be optional. Actually I am surprised that the 04/2005 DVD is working properly with the version 1.0 software.


Edited by mattd
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

I asked my dealer to upgrade the PCM to 2.1 or 3.0 and they said they can't, I have to buy the new Navigation DVD's. I explained that I have the 4/2005 DVD and there was a TSB on upgrading the PCM. Should the dealer upgrade my PCM at my request without buying anything? If you read above, I am getting a "Incompatible Navigation Software" message when switching over to the NAV. I am running the 1.0 software. The dealer claimed that maybe the software was attempted to be upgraded with a "burned DVD" or something. This has been this was since I bought it last May and I think the dealer is just guessing. I thought maybe the dealer I bought it from (in another state 1100 miles away) reloaded the software and set everything back to default. Any advice? I wanted to get on the latest version since I want to install the Dension at some point.

I looked at the TSB and although it explains the upgrade procedure, I didn't see in there where it is telling the dealer to do this upgrade on existing cars. Although, I'm probably just not 100% understanding what I am reading.


Here's specifically what my invoice from the dealer said:









The disc is not a burned copy, it's a Porsche original. It was with the car when I bought it.


Edited by Mr. D-987 S


First of all you do not need a PCM update to run the dension unit, AP997S had a very early version of PCM 2.1 running a dension unit for a number of years. As to the software update , your dealer is correct, this is only supplied as part of a MAP update package. The software level 3 is designed to only work with map DVD's which are release date 05.2005 or later. The dealer is suspicious because you have a 04.2005 DVD but the car has not been updated to level 3 software. This suggests that the map was not purchased via aporsche agent as they carry out the update as part of the purchase cost. A 2005 or later map DVD will not work in a pcm 2.1 with a software level below version 3. You have two options to resolve this issue:

1. Buy a 2008 map update (be aware the maps are actually 2007!) from your OPC and have the PCM updated

2. Find a forum member with the update discs that can loan them to you, to update the PCM yourself.

Unless the car was purchased from an OPC I doubt you will get them to update the PCM for you.


First of all you do not need a PCM update to run the dension unit, AP997S had a very early version of PCM 2.1 running a dension unit for a number of years. As to the software update , your dealer is correct, this is only supplied as part of a MAP update package. The software level 3 is designed to only work with map DVD's which are release date 05.2005 or later. The dealer is suspicious because you have a 04.2005 DVD but the car has not been updated to level 3 software. This suggests that the map was not purchased via aporsche agent as they carry out the update as part of the purchase cost. A 2005 or later map DVD will not work in a pcm 2.1 with a software level below version 3. You have two options to resolve this issue:

1. Buy a 2008 map update (be aware the maps are actually 2007!) from your OPC and have the PCM updated

2. Find a forum member with the update discs that can loan them to you, to update the PCM yourself.

Unless the car was purchased from an OPC I doubt you will get them to update the PCM for you.

Thanks, Berty. I'm not sure what "OPC" stands for but I did buy the car from a Porsche dealer but from out of state (1100 miles away from where I live). I guess I'll have to live with it for the time being. I do want to buy the updated maps but will probably wait until later this year. Maybe they will release another map update by then. Thanks, again.

  • 1 year later...

I had to open this sublject again! I have bought a used Dension GW 500 for my Porsche 911 (997)! I just have to ask if this is the only fiber cable I need (See pic)? How do I install this fibercable in my car (I have the CD charger)?



post-57335-025034000 1278517017_thumb.jp

  • 2 weeks later...

The fitting of the dension depends on a number of things :

1. is the dension unit the later Dual FOT (ie does it allow the existing CD cahnger to be be retained)

2. Do you have navigation or BOSE fitted

If you are unsure the installation manual can be downloaded from the dension web site. The cable you have can be dismantled to allow you to reconfigure it for all options. Just make sure you keep the integrity of the loop direction. Each device ( CD , Dension, NAV) has an IN and an OUT port , the cable needs to be correctly configured for the previous and next device in the loop ie out from one device corresponds with hte IN for the following etc..

  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

The install into 2007 997 with PCM 2.1, Bose Sound system, no cd-changer went well. The Porsche Dealership enabled the CD changer, now I have a warning icon next to the CD changer on the screen that pop up when I press trip and main buttons on the PCM. Check marks are next to amplifier, PCM, and system software. Clicking on the CD changer, I get a screen that shows Unit CD Changer. The Target field is blank. The actual field shows the C32/2702. Entered: Yes; Found: Yes.

I had the dealership, disable and re-enable the cd changer. I've updated the firmware to 2.22. I've reset the aux module. I've rebooted the PCM, but the warning icon persists. I assume that is because the Porsche PCM just doesn't recognize an aftermarket part, and there is not a problem with my installation. Can anyone confirm or deny? Otherwise, the unit is functioning perfectly.



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