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Posted (edited)


I have a problem with the "Taco" wing on my 99 996 C2. I have always had a loud banging noise from the rear of the car when going over speed bumps (which is around every 100yds where I live in the UK). This was traced to the deck lid bouncing. I have adjusted the deck lid stops so the lid only just shuts, but the lid still moves at the back (closest to window) when pushed down, causing the noise. I noticed yesterday that the spoiler now has a "hairline" crack in it. One thing I also noticed were the two tapped holes (6mm) on the underside of the rear deck lid that look like they would accommodate another two deck lid stops. My questions are:

1: Should there be four of these rubber adjustment stops or just the front two in a fixed wing deck lid and how do you set them up?

2: What can be used to repair the composite spoiler? It may be the paint cracked, but as the photo shows (Hopefully), the crack location is at the stress point of the spoiler.

PS: Apologies for using your 996 photo Loren, I hope you don't mind (Cheques in the post).


Edited by Loren
made image viewable

I have a problem with the "Taco" wing on my 99 996 C2. I have always had a loud banging noise from the rear of the car when going over speed bumps (which is around every 100yds where I live in the UK). This was traced to the deck lid bouncing. I have adjusted the deck lid stops so the lid only just shuts, but the lid still moves at the back (closest to window) when pushed down, causing the noise. I noticed yesterday that the spoiler now has a "hairline" crack in it. One thing I also noticed were the two tapped holes (6mm) on the underside of the rear deck lid that look like they would accommodate another two deck lid stops. My questions are:

1: Should there be four of these rubber adjustment stops or just the front two in a fixed wing deck lid and how do you set them up?

2: What can be used to repair the composite spoiler? It may be the paint cracked, but as the photo shows (Hopefully), the crack location is at the stress point of the spoiler.

PS: Apologies for using your 996 photo Loren, I hope you don't mind (Cheques in the post).

This happens to boats all the time. Stress points develop hairline spider cracks . It's usuually just superficial, especially if in the stress point the fiberglass material is present. What you will have to do is usually fill it with resin, sand, then wet sand it then paint. If this is a common stress point it will probably come back again, unless the lid adjustment relieves some of the stress.

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