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Posted (edited)

Hi folks,

I tried a search but no luck...

Can anyone help with some instructions on how to take out and install a hand brake on a 2003 996?

I have instructions on how to take out the rear center console (SSK installed), but have no clue about how to take-out/install the hand brake.

Thanks, in advance.


Edited by b_creative3

Here is a sample from the 996 manuals to adjust ..

Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

– Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

top of page

Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

— Checking the free play of the handbrake lever.

The parking brake has asbestos-free brake linings.


The handbrake with asbestos-free brake linings must never be adjusted in such a way that the lining must grind down during operation!

The handbrake must be adjusted if the handbrake lever can be pulled up by more than 4 teeth with medium force application (without a braking effect)!

Adjusting the parking brake

1. Remove the rear wheels.

2. Undo the parking brake lever and push back the disc brake pads of the rear axle until the brake disc can rotate freely.


To make the turnbuckle accessible, open the cover of the tray behind the parking brake lever and remove the rubber inlay and also the insert.

3. Undo the adjustment nuts -arrow- on the turnbuckle until the cables are without pretension.

4. With a screwdriver -Figure- , turn the adjustment device through a wheel bolt threaded hole so that the brake disc can no longer be moved.

5. Turn back the adjustment fixture through 5 notches again (release approx. 3 notches until the brake disc can be moved freely, then release another 2 notches).

6. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.

7. Pull up the parking brake lever by 2 teeth and adjust the adjustment nut of the turnbuckle until both wheels can be turned manually with difficulty.

8. Release the parking brake lever and check whether both wheels can be turned freely.


996110, 996111, 996210, 996211, 996310, 996311, 996410, 996411, 996430, 996431, 996610, 996611

Here is a sample from the 996 manuals to adjust ..

Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

– Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

top of page

Parking brake: Checking the free play of the parking brake lever

— Checking the free play of the handbrake lever.

The parking brake has asbestos-free brake linings.


The handbrake with asbestos-free brake linings must never be adjusted in such a way that the lining must grind down during operation!

The handbrake must be adjusted if the handbrake lever can be pulled up by more than 4 teeth with medium force application (without a braking effect)!

Adjusting the parking brake

1. Remove the rear wheels.

2. Undo the parking brake lever and push back the disc brake pads of the rear axle until the brake disc can rotate freely.


To make the turnbuckle accessible, open the cover of the tray behind the parking brake lever and remove the rubber inlay and also the insert.

3. Undo the adjustment nuts -arrow- on the turnbuckle until the cables are without pretension.

4. With a screwdriver -Figure- , turn the adjustment device through a wheel bolt threaded hole so that the brake disc can no longer be moved.

5. Turn back the adjustment fixture through 5 notches again (release approx. 3 notches until the brake disc can be moved freely, then release another 2 notches).

6. Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.

7. Pull up the parking brake lever by 2 teeth and adjust the adjustment nut of the turnbuckle until both wheels can be turned manually with difficulty.

8. Release the parking brake lever and check whether both wheels can be turned freely.


996110, 996111, 996210, 996211, 996310, 996311, 996410, 996411, 996430, 996431, 996610, 996611

Heck when I changed mine out, I did niot remove the rear wheels. I simply made note on which notch the brake held , then removed the locking nuts on the back of the caming surface where the cables attached, then proceeded to remove the center console because now you can raise the lever all the way up, makes it easier to remove the console without scathing. One ting I did do is wrap painters tape aoung the base of the new handbrak lever. This way when reinstalling the console you do not scratch it. Make sure you pop off the cover on the left side of the console next to the driver seat. Once the console was off, it was a matter of removing the hold down bolts and replace the lever assembly.

Put the console back with the lever all the way up. then release the lever and reconnect the cablecam with the cables attached.

Finish up the console install, emove the tape, then adjust the locking nuts on the back of the cable cam to match where it was prior to the change out!

It's not hard at all, just a little time consuming. After the adjustment is made put the box liner back.


Thanks all for the instructions.

I am still trying to locate an alcantara hand brake with "porshce" emblem, instead of "GT3". Does anyone know if I can just pop of the aluminum "porsche" emblem out and re-use it on the new hand brake?



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