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I bought my car in Feb of 08.

2002 C2 Cab with 65k miles.

In the last month it has started making a very loud popping sound when I turn and there is an elevation change. It sounds like it is coming from directly under the back seat. It did this with the stock suspension and now with X74.

Any ideas of what this could be?


Check for a loose rear swaybar.

Hmm I replaced the sway bars with 030 sways was part of the X74. So I know they are tight.

However, I had to reuse my original bushings, maybe they are bad.

Check for a loose rear swaybar.

Hmm I replaced the sway bars with 030 sways was part of the X74. So I know they are tight.

However, I had to reuse my original bushings, maybe they are bad.

If your stock bushings were not worn, they may be slightly binding a bit since the rear swaybar is larger. When I tried this on my 996, the sway bar did not move freely with the stock bushings when I checked before hooking up the drop links. After I put on the correct bushings, the rear bar moved snug but freely.

If your stock bushings were not worn, they may be slightly binding a bit since the rear swaybar is larger. When I tried this on my 996, the sway bar did not move freely with the stock bushings when I checked before hooking up the drop links. After I put on the correct bushings, the rear bar moved snug but freely.

It did it before I swapped suspensions too.

Now that I think about it towards the end of my time with my Boxster (ordered it new) it was starting to pop as well. 39 months and 21k miles.

Here is what I have to deal with getting in and out of my parking deck.




Posted (edited)

Sometimes a twisting load on the chassis has caused a pop that sounded like the panels in the roof shifting relative to each other possibly buckling. May be the same thing you're talking about - strange but not alarming.

Edited by aintpatricksday
If your stock bushings were not worn, they may be slightly binding a bit since the rear swaybar is larger. When I tried this on my 996, the sway bar did not move freely with the stock bushings when I checked before hooking up the drop links. After I put on the correct bushings, the rear bar moved snug but freely.

It did it before I swapped suspensions too.

Now that I think about it towards the end of my time with my Boxster (ordered it new) it was starting to pop as well. 39 months and 21k miles.

Here is what I have to deal with getting in and out of my parking deck.


Heck, that's nothing..here is what I have to deal with every day in my own garage. No pop noise from mine tho, but I'll keep my ears open as I only have 38k miles on it. I may never get a lower suspenion because of this. But it DOES make changing the oil a piece of cake!!


Posted (edited)

Yep, I get the same noise in my '99 C4! I changed the bushing which was causing swaybar noise, swapping them fixed the swaybars noise, however still have the popping. I've grown tired of chasing down all the various noises I've learned to live with the popping. The vibrating tin sound coming from the interior driver side door is starting to get to me though!

Edited by Sauber_f1

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