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My first drive in mynew pre owned Porsche certified Cayman S with 9155 miles

Woke up at 4:30 to go on my first drive , empty twsities , perfect conditionds, was very impressed with the car, mostly second gear twisties one after the other non stop I was pushing it and having fun.

One hour later I was

returning and was coming up the twisties, mostly thigh turns and after the

other second gear uphill, fast ,when I got the light of check engine

coolant, and the temperature started rising, I stopped let it cool down and

drove it slowly to the gas station (the dial never got to the red part but

was 3/4s.

Waited 1 hr for the car to cool down, and I put in the car a full gallon of


Drove again in the twisties and 8 miles later again, the light of check

engine coolant came on,I stopped inmediatelly since I brought a spare

gallon of coolant, and this time it took 3/4 of a gallon of coolant, Im at

the top of the hills so from there to my house is just 20 miles but mostly

downhill, I drove slow to my house , never passsing 3,000 rpms, the light

never came on again , and the temperature needle never rised from the center.

Seems to be that only when driving the car hard the coolant is lost.

Could anyone tell what could this mean?

You need have your car towed to your dealer.

Could be a blown headgasket or other internal damage.

The smoke was from the right side and a little bit, but not from the exaust.

  • Admin

I still think you need to see your dealer (since the car is under warranty).

You do not lose almost 2 gallons of coolant without some major going on.

  • 6 months later...

Have seen the bleeder valve housing leak on Boxsters. This only happened after the car was hot and while beiong driven. The coolnt was leaking in the form of a mist and the exhaust was burning it before it ever hit the ground. I had to add well over a gallon of coolant before I found the leak. I think the housing is behind the wall where you fill the coolant/oil. At least thats where it is on the Boxster. There were like 6 small screws around the top that had worked their way loose and allowing coolant to force it's way past. This will also allow the engine to overheat due to lack of cooling system pressure.

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