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So 2 years ago I had an RMS leak and it was replaced w/ the 997 part by the dealer. I was just in again because the IMS was leaking. They mentioned that they recommend replacing the IMS when they replace the RMS (although they didn't tell me this 2 years ago when I was in for the RMS). Luckily this was all covered by extended warranty.

So here is my question: is the probability of future RMS and IMS problems for my car now greatly reduced? Is there any value in changing both the RMS and IMS in the absence of oil leaks as preventive maintenance the next time the transmission is down e.g. clutch replacement?

From the experiences I have heard from folks with the 997 seal - so far - yes.

Hi Loren, I don't mean to be obtuse, but "yes" to which question?

Yes, reduced chance of RMS and IMS problems w/ new seals in place?

Yes, the RMS and IMS seals should be changed at the next clutch service, even if there are no leaks?


  • Admin

Yes, it appears that (a properly installed) 997 RMS seal seems to solve "most" RMS problems.

The IMS seal fix is usually not a seal issue but a mounting bolts. It is unusual to have one of these leak again also.

If both have been done on your car and there is no sign of further leaks - then I would leave them alone.


I asked some of these questions but on the wrong forum.

How can I tell if it is the RMS? (I can't get it to the dealer for a few weeks)

Is there a place to see pics of the underside of the car to help me figure out if it is a RMS?

What is the typical cost to replace a RMS?

Is there any real harm if it isn't fixed? (leaking about the size of a quarter at the moment)

What else IMS, clutch, etc. should I consider having done while they are in there?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the clutch, but I read the boards.



1999 Carrera Cabriolet (Arctic Silver)

6 speed

38K miles

  • Admin
I asked some of these questions but on the wrong forum.

How can I tell if it is the RMS? (I can't get it to the dealer for a few weeks)

Is there a place to see pics of the underside of the car to help me figure out if it is a RMS?

What is the typical cost to replace a RMS?

Is there any real harm if it isn't fixed? (leaking about the size of a quarter at the moment)

What else IMS, clutch, etc. should I consider having done while they are in there?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the clutch, but I read the boards.



1999 Carrera Cabriolet (Arctic Silver)

6 speed

38K miles

Take a picture of the underside of the car where it is leaking. A spot the size of a quarter could be many things that are not RMS.

I asked some of these questions but on the wrong forum.

How can I tell if it is the RMS? (I can't get it to the dealer for a few weeks)

Is there a place to see pics of the underside of the car to help me figure out if it is a RMS?

What is the typical cost to replace a RMS?

Is there any real harm if it isn't fixed? (leaking about the size of a quarter at the moment)

What else IMS, clutch, etc. should I consider having done while they are in there?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the clutch, but I read the boards.



1999 Carrera Cabriolet (Arctic Silver)

6 speed

38K miles

Take a picture of the underside of the car where it is leaking. A spot the size of a quarter could be many things that are not RMS.

I will try, but I don't really have the garage space or stands to get under the car.

What about my other questions? Any input is appreciated.

  • Admin

My point is a few drops of oil on the ground does not make it an RMS leak - so isn't the cost irrelevant at this point?

There is no way to tell where the oil leak is coming from without looking closer. There are other areas that can leak that are not RMS or IMS.

If you don't feel comfortable looking closer or have the tools then find a good Porsche shop that can have a look for you.

Where are you located?

My point is a few drops of oil on the ground does not make it an RMS leak - so isn't the cost irrelevant at this point?

There is no way to tell where the oil leak is coming from without looking closer. There are other areas that can leak that are not RMS or IMS.

If you don't feel comfortable looking closer or have the tools then find a good Porsche shop that can have a look for you.

Where are you located?

I'm in Columbus Ohio. I have an appointment in 2 weeks, but was trying to prepare myself for what it may cost. The local PCA chapter is holding a tech inspection prior to a driver's event. I can't do the DE, but I'm still taking advantage of their inspection.

I may be able to scoot a camera under the car without crawling under it. Going to try that tonight.

So if it is a RMS, what does that typically cost?

  • Admin

From what I can see it looks to be highly likely an RMS or IMS leak.

Both should be checked - and if there is oil on the clutch disc you will need a new one of those too.

  • 7 months later...

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