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I have had two MAF sensors go out within 1000 miles of fitting a K and N Aircharger air intake.

The first one failed while the car was still at the shop having the K and N Aircharger fitted. I dont believe in "co-incidences" but put this down to sensor ageing and being disturbed during the air intake installation so just had the MAF changed for a new one rather than argue this out with the shop.

The filter was pre oiled at the K and N factory so it should not have been over oiled.

Approx 1000 miles after the K and N air charger was installed, the new MAF failed again.

The guys at K and N have been enthusiastic and promised to contact the shop who installed the Air charger and first MAF and the Porsche main dealer who diagnosed the second MAF failure but so far no news.

As this is my daily drive I can not wait much longer for this to be resolved and as the sensor looks to be bad (My Durametric shows output voltage hardly changes with revs) I'm working out the part number of the replacement MAF I will probably end up having to buy.

My car is a 2000 996 C2 VIN WPOAA2997S622223

The MAF currently fitted is the older style eGas one (996.606.124.00)

I'd like to fit the newer style 996.606.125.01 which I hear is more resistant to failure.

I see a TSB for the BOXSTER which indicates that a DME firmare upgrade is required if you want to fit the new style MAF

I do not see a TSB for the 996 requiring the firmware update.

Does anyone know if the firmware update is required on the 996?

Related: Am waiting to see if K and N come up with something but of course am considering replacing the K and N filter with a dry type or possibly taking the air intake back to standard before fitting the new MAF...........

Thanks for any feedback on the MAF / DME question or the K and N issue !!

  • Admin
I have had two MAF sensors go out within 1000 miles of fitting a K and N Aircharger air intake.

The first one failed while the car was still at the shop having the K and N Aircharger fitted. I dont believe in "co-incidences" but put this down to sensor ageing and being disturbed during the air intake installation so just had the MAF changed for a new one rather than argue this out with the shop.

The filter was pre oiled at the K and N factory so it should not have been over oiled.

Approx 1000 miles after the K and N air charger was installed, the new MAF failed again.

The guys at K and N have been enthusiastic and promised to contact the shop who installed the Air charger and first MAF and the Porsche main dealer who diagnosed the second MAF failure but so far no news.

As this is my daily drive I can not wait much longer for this to be resolved and as the sensor looks to be bad (My Durametric shows output voltage hardly changes with revs) I'm working out the part number of the replacement MAF I will probably end up having to buy.

My car is a 2000 996 C2 VIN WPOAA2997S622223

The MAF currently fitted is the older style eGas one (996.606.124.00)

I'd like to fit the newer style 996.606.125.01 which I hear is more resistant to failure.

I see a TSB for the BOXSTER which indicates that a DME firmare upgrade is required if you want to fit the new style MAF

I do not see a TSB for the 996 requiring the firmware update.

Does anyone know if the firmware update is required on the 996?

Related: Am waiting to see if K and N come up with something but of course am considering replacing the K and N filter with a dry type or possibly taking the air intake back to standard before fitting the new MAF...........

Thanks for any feedback on the MAF / DME question or the K and N issue !!

Your car does not get the new MAF - you should continue to use 996.606.124.00 for all egas Carrera's MY99-01 (except for MY99 C2 non-egas)

I have had two MAF sensors go out within 1000 miles of fitting a K and N Aircharger air intake.

The first one failed while the car was still at the shop having the K and N Aircharger fitted. I dont believe in "co-incidences" but put this down to sensor ageing and being disturbed during the air intake installation so just had the MAF changed for a new one rather than argue this out with the shop.

The filter was pre oiled at the K and N factory so it should not have been over oiled.

Approx 1000 miles after the K and N air charger was installed, the new MAF failed again.

The guys at K and N have been enthusiastic and promised to contact the shop who installed the Air charger and first MAF and the Porsche main dealer who diagnosed the second MAF failure but so far no news.

As this is my daily drive I can not wait much longer for this to be resolved and as the sensor looks to be bad (My Durametric shows output voltage hardly changes with revs) I'm working out the part number of the replacement MAF I will probably end up having to buy.

My car is a 2000 996 C2 VIN WPOAA2997S622223

The MAF currently fitted is the older style eGas one (996.606.124.00)

I'd like to fit the newer style 996.606.125.01 which I hear is more resistant to failure.

I see a TSB for the BOXSTER which indicates that a DME firmare upgrade is required if you want to fit the new style MAF

I do not see a TSB for the 996 requiring the firmware update.

Does anyone know if the firmware update is required on the 996?

Related: Am waiting to see if K and N come up with something but of course am considering replacing the K and N filter with a dry type or possibly taking the air intake back to standard before fitting the new MAF...........

Thanks for any feedback on the MAF / DME question or the K and N issue !!

Your car does not get the new MAF - you should continue to use 996.606.124.00 for all egas Carrera's MY99-01 (except for MY99 C2 non-egas)

Thanks very much Loren.

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