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Posted (edited)

MY99 996 Coupe. Recently replaced the water pump, so i also replaced 3 gallons of coolant with Prestone. Since then I have noticed a strange coolant leak coming from the front, high driver-side of the motor, looks like a plug in the block or head near the oil separator.

The coolant that escapes forms in my garage only, but is like a jelly until I wash it away with water. I also discovered an electrical connector hanging down the backside nearby, unplugged. After reviewing diagrams, all I can figure out is that it might be a pulse sender since it is the same general area (986.606.112.02). What the heck is a pulse sender?? Wrench thinks the leak is originating from the oil separator, but why would coolant be seeping as a jelly-like substance instead of oil?

Should I flush my system and replace it with OE Porsche coolant? Does OE Porsche coolant have a sealant in it that the Prestone thinned out? I lost only about 4 ounces of coolant in the past two months, but I am concerned about it getting worse...especially if I take it to the track.

Edited by deanslist.us
Posted (edited)

A picture of where it is leaking from would be helpful. Sounds like the cam actuator cover to me and that would be an oil leak, which is common.. As far as the coolant; exactly which Prestone coolant did you use?

Edited by 1999Porsche911
Posted (edited)

No oil leaks, just coolant.

I read about the jelly thing on another thread and have since inquired a two gallon order of OE Porsche coolant from Sunset Imports. Is there a special fluid I should use to break that down and flush it out? I know regular water works when diluting it on my garage floor, maybe I can apply the same principal in the system once I get the new coolant. Off-hand, does anyone know if the OE Porsche coolant has to be diluted as well with two parts water for every one part coolant, or do I need to order four gallons?

Edited by deanslist.us
Posted (edited)
No oil leaks, just coolant.

I read about the jelly thing on another thread and have since inquired a two gallon order of OE Porsche coolant from Sunset Imports. Is there a special fluid I should use to break that down and flush it out? I know regular water works when diluting it on my garage floor, maybe I can apply the same principal in the system once I get the new coolant. Off-hand, does anyone know if the OE Porsche coolant has to be diluted as well with two parts water for every one part coolant, or do I need to order four gallons?

It depends on what Prestone fluid you used. They make one that is fully compatabe with the Porsche coolant. I use PEAK Lifetime 50/50 rather than the premium priced Porsche packaged fluid. http://www.peakantifreeze.com/peak_global_lifetime_5050.html I believe the Porsche coolant is not diluted and needs to be mixed with distilled water.

If you added the wrong kind of coolant, I suggest you flush the system competely. The system holds around 6 gallons of fluid.

Edited by 1999Porsche911
Posted (edited)
I would be concerned about the "jelly" coolant - that is what happens when you mix two incompatible coolant types.

:o we need a suicide smiley in here... :(

This is the coolant I used:


Edited by deanslist.us

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