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The part in question is in the pic below and is the little black pop out piece on the ignition bezel. You can see where it is missing just above the key slot.

I know that page 78 of the Owners manual says "Do Not Lose." I took that as only applicable when trying to unlock the ignition. Mine little piece poped out on its own and was wondering if this piece is available as a seperate part. If not then I guess I have to find an heavily damaged 08 997 to see if I can get the part that way.

Thanks for any help.



The part is only about $13 retail price.

If you give me the trim color I can give you a part number.

I assume you mean the color of the missing piece which is black.

And thanks,


  • Admin

The two closest colors to what I see are:

997.552.425.01.A03 Ignition surround in black -- retail $13.74

997.552.425.01.5V7 Ignition surround in stone grey -- retail $13.74

The two closest colors to what I see are:

997.552.425.01.A03 Ignition surround in black -- retail $13.74

997.552.425.01.5V7 Ignition surround in stone grey -- retail $13.74

Given trhe term Ignitioin surround and the various colors which are interior color (mine is Sand Beige) they are refering to the outter ring in the picture. I assume that this is a trim piece over the ignition switch. It could be that the black plastic circle is part of the ignition switch itself.

Thanks again for your help.

Is it the nut that holds the ignition switch in place?

Does it unscrew?


If, so, then it is 997.618.759.00 -- retail $1.98

Not haven taken it apart I can't be absolutely sure, but I don't think so. This piece is black plastic which doesn't seem to be what would hold the lock in place. It actually may be part of the surround that you found that part number before.

It is new for MY08, not in the MY07 owner's manual that I can find. The little piece of plastic is removed so that a tool stored on the fuse box cover can be used to push a pin in so that the key can be removed. If you have access toa MY08 owner's manual you can see this on page 78.

Didn't think this would be an easy one and hoped to have a bit of information before I went to the dealer.

  • Admin

Hmm... that is all that I see on my March 2008 parts list.

Either I am looking in the wrong place (I've looked at dash and ignition) - I don't see anything else.


Well strictly speaking it was part of the 9x7 range from new. But i'd suggest you pay a visit to a local breakers yard because i suspect that'd be the easiest way to get you hands on one.


Hmm... that is all that I see on my March 2008 parts list.

Either I am looking in the wrong place (I've looked at dash and ignition) - I don't see anything else.

It could be the $1.98 part your pointed out. But I would have to see one to really be sure. I doubt if the dearls normally stock the nut that you are talking about but it is something to start with.

Thanks for you help.

Well strictly speaking it was part of the 9x7 range from new. But i'd suggest you pay a visit to a local breakers yard because i suspect that'd be the easiest way to get you hands on one.


Yep I agree, unfortunetly I have to find a MY08 911 there which probably won't be for a while.

I see two MY08 Cayenne's on my latest salvage list so it might not be as long as you think...

Stopped by the dealer and got one wrong answer andone correct one. The correct one is that it is part of the ignition switch. They ordered one and will call when it arrives and they will put it in. The first guy said that parts would know what it is and just go in there and see them. Not very good service for a <5K miles on a car bought from them. But then as usual Mike took care of me.

Thanks for trying.

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