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Posted (edited)

Hi folks, I am a first time poster and am considering buying an '03 C4S. I just got the new Consumer Reports today, and for reasons unknown to me, it disses the '03 911s.

Can anyone here shed light on this? I know a few people who have '03s and they love them, but are there things to watch out for (besides the RMS) on the 2003 model year?

Thank you for any information on this, and hope to be a regular contributor soon.

Edited by TommyMambo

Most likely because more MY03 reported problems than other model years.

Chart below is from Consumer Reports


Yup, that is what I saw too. Lots of black dots...anyone else have this experience?



I own a 2003 C4S (CPO) and so far no problems (except the RMS which was repaired under warranty). I have put over 8000 miles without any problems. I don't read Consumer Reports as they are always biased against the cars I like -- unless of course you like the Toyota Camry or Honda Accord :P My advise-- get the 03 C4S and drive the hell out of it. If this is your first P-car (as it was for me) I would suggest a CPO one just to "lose the fear". They are very fun cars (of course with their own idiosyncracies) and yes they are expensive to fix when stuff goes bad -- but that's the price to pay to be part of the club. Enjoy


I would recommend only getting a CPO or warranty car. Just IMO. I have had a 99 and an 03. They are awesome cars, no doubt, and I enjoy driving it every day as driving them or tracks. But... Without CPO, I would have bought a new transmission (or at least a couple of synchros) last week. CPO will not cover everything, like caliper rebuilding, but will cover the main things that can cost you an arm.

I had a small grinding sound going into third gear, and Porsche suggested the new transmission under warranty, now it shifts perfectly.

I do track the car 30-40 days a year, and realize that when CPO runs out I am getting a newer one or see if they sell extended warranty at dealer.

Thanks all. It is a CPO until 12/08 and it is now mine! Cheers!

I also bought a CPO 03 with 27K miles. When I took it to the dealer for the 30K service they could find nothing other than the scheduled service work to even touch. Paper work that came with the car shows the same thing from new. I have only done tires, oil and filters since I made the purchase. I don't track the car and expect it to continue to give great daily service. My warranty is good until May of O9 and I will give thought to moving to a 997 at that time, though I am one of those guys that prefers the look of the 996. Until then I will run it like I stole it. I know several people that own the same year and have no more trouble than those with 02 or 04 models. It only takes a few reports to skew the results and customers who are pissed off seem more inclined to talk about it than those who have no issues.

Thanks all. It is a CPO until 12/08 and it is now mine! Cheers!

...customers who are pissed off seem more inclined to talk about it than those who have no issues.

Good point! Always take Consumer Reports car ratings with a grain of salt.

Regards, Maurice.


Just an FYI, if you read this article and others by CR, CR does not have any complaints aginist the model years showing good reliability. Infact hey have said many good things about the cars in those respective years. So I am not so sure the biased comment holds up.

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