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We picked up a water-cooled Porsche engine yesterday that will probably be taken apart and sold in pieces (large pieces!). We're an Audi Volkswagen place and know nothing about Porsche. How would I go about identifying the engine? Its basically a long-block with an intake manifold.

Numbers I found so far:


996 101 149

996 101 142


996 104 137

Valve Cover:

Vario Cam F1

Number engraved on case:

23852197 2228*

Any help is appreciated,


  • Admin

Sorry, all of your part numbers are missing the last two digits.

Since it says VariCam and not VarioCam Plus that would imply that it is a 3.4 liter engine (MY99-MY01).

Sorry, all of your part numbers are missing the last two digits.

Since it says VariCam and not VarioCam Plus that would imply that it is a 3.4 liter engine (MY99-MY01).

Curiously, none of those numbers are listed in the 986 and 996 USA Genuine Parts Catalogues on-line at Porsche Technical Service Information.


Here's a few pics of the motor. I think I'd like to just sell the whole motor together and move it. Its not our specialty and I really don't have time to deal with it.





  • Admin

Based on the engine mount that is still on the engine - it looks like the engine is from a Boxster.

If I were to guess - I would guess 2.5 liter from the pics.


Aaah, now that you got me going in the right direction I noticed a 3,2 at the end of the numbers on the heads. Some photos that I found on the internet of other Porsche engines does make this one look like a Boxster. 3.2L Boxter engine? I had one of the guys take the valve covers off the look at the cams (weird covers! including the cam journals) and they looked good, along with the journals. I don't have any history on this engine but it did turn over by hand and make compression in each cylinder as it went around.

Any guess as to what its worth? I'm not interested in squeaking out top dollar, just want to move it and pay for our time.


  • Admin

Well, if you too the cam covers off then you likely lost the cam timing (when the camshafts came loose).

Might be worth a minimal core charge to an engine rebuilder - unless their is serious internal damage.

Aaah, now that you got me going in the right direction I noticed a 3,2 at the end of the numbers on the heads. Some photos that I found on the internet of other Porsche engines does make this one look like a Boxster. 3.2L Boxter engine? I had one of the guys take the valve covers off the look at the cams (weird covers! including the cam journals) and they looked good, along with the journals. I don't have any history on this engine but it did turn over by hand and make compression in each cylinder as it went around.

Any guess as to what its worth? I'm not interested in squeaking out top dollar, just want to move it and pay for our time.


The Motor Mount is Boxster and the oil cooler looks like a 3.2. It looks like a 3.2 Boxster too me.

Aaah, now that you got me going in the right direction I noticed a 3,2 at the end of the numbers on the heads. Some photos that I found on the internet of other Porsche engines does make this one look like a Boxster. 3.2L Boxter engine? I had one of the guys take the valve covers off the look at the cams (weird covers! including the cam journals) and they looked good, along with the journals. I don't have any history on this engine but it did turn over by hand and make compression in each cylinder as it went around.

Any guess as to what its worth? I'm not interested in squeaking out top dollar, just want to move it and pay for our time.


The Motor Mount is Boxster and the oil cooler looks like a 3.2. It looks like a 3.2 Boxster too me.

That looks to be it: 3.2L Boxster. I guess the part number is for the head casting itself. The catalogue lists only complete head assemblies.

Posted (edited)

Look on the flat plate next to the oil sump, there will be an engine type and serial number stamped there.

it will start with M96/......, this will tell you the year and engine type. The numbers you posted above are casting numbers not part numbers.

Based upon the coolant outlet configuration, the motor mount, the taller oil cooler and the fact there are no intermediate aluminum intake risers it is a 3.2L Boxster engine.


Edited by tholyoak

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