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Hi, this is my first post here,I have been looking through this site for a couple of months, it is great ! full of excellent information, here is my problem/ question for those who have been there. I took my car a 2002 C2 Targa out for a drive yesterday, the first good weather around here for a long time, anyway, I went to the garage this morning and there under the engine is the dreaded puddle of oil,I lifted the car up and took a look,it appears to be the RMS leaking as discussed on so many other threads on this subject.I called around to 3 dealers in this area 2 in the U.S. and 1 in Canada, and all said that Porsche would not stand behind their product if it was off warranty, the car only has 25000 kilometers, 15000 miles on it, just wondering what others experience has been with this, as it seems to be a recurring problem, has Porsche stood up and done the right thing? or do they leave you on your own to fix what is obviously a design flaw.Thanks in advance for your help.

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Please read the many previous posts on this and the seal.

A Porsche dealership is supposed to remove the old seal and measure the crankcase opening and report those numbers back to Porsche Germany. If the case is out spec Porsche will usually pay for a replacement engine and the owner pays for the installation (labor). If the engine is within spec then usually the owners pays all costs (on average $1000-$1300 for the RMS repair - additional repairs i.e. clutch would be more).

....I went to the garage this morning and there under the engine is the dreaded puddle of oil,I lifted the car up and took....

:o :o

Did you really mean puddle or drip?


I read as much as I could,It's a lot! but was hoping that as it seems to be a factory flaw Porsche would maybe step up and help out.



Hi, it's a puddle not a drip, if it was a drip I wouldn't have been too worried,it is maybe 2" across, the floor was dry before this as well, although when I looked under the car you could see that there had been some seepage there.


Heligear, sorry to hear about your problem. I don't think Porsche will help you much. Your car is almost 6 years old and 2 years past warranty.


in my case with clear manufacturing defect (cracked pressure plate) and leaking RMS Porsche, so as not to do anything, came up with a theory that I myself incorrectly installed all those parts!!! (some twisted logic) the car had 20k on the clock then. hope you have better experience.

Hi, it's a puddle not a drip, if it was a drip I wouldn't have been too worried,it is maybe 2" across, the floor was dry before this as well, although when I looked under the car you could see that there had been some seepage there.


Bummer! From my reading on this forum from posters who have lots of experience with this issue, it's more likely that it's the IMS, not the RMS. RMS is usually a much slower leak. In either case the transmission has to come off, but be careful in the meantime.

Please be sure to keep us posted on what you discover, both with the leak and with Porsche's attitude.

Regards, Maurice.

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