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Would you expect to see a part of the seal (or some seal anyway) hanging out of the join on a car with RMS/IMS failure (see top right area of photo)?


I have the Porsche extended warranty but I wanted to be 100% sure before racking up hours of exploratory work bills in case it something else!

Also do you think someone could have picked the seal out to cause the leak hence get the work? Other explanations?


Also do you think someone could have picked the seal out to cause the leak hence get the work? Other explanations?

Unlikely that someone could have picked the seal out to cause the leak as they would first have to remove the transmission to get access to the seal.

Regards, Maurice.

Posted (edited)

Maybe I am missing something but I dont see anything except an RMS/IMS oil leak. Where in the pic exactly is this piece of stuff you mention?

The RMS is rubber molded over a metal flange. It is highly unlikely to break up wthout you getting to know about it in a serious way. I cant see anything in the pic as I said but if its going to be one of the seals it would be the IMS. But it cant exactly fall out of the belll housing and if the IMS felll out its housing it is likely to be very serious. A leaking IMS is a different problem to a missing IMS...heaven forbid.

Edited by Scouser
Looks too small to be either seal... mostly likely a piece of clutch facing or ???

I had the car since July 07. First noticed oil on the drive early November.

No work involving the transmission or cracking that seal open done at any point during my ownership.

Is it definitely RMS though?

Dare I tug at it to see if it's actually attached? :rolleyes:

Maybe I am missing something but I dont see anything except an RMS oil leak. Where in the pic exactly is this piece of stuff you mention?

The RMS is rubber molded over a metal flange. It is highly unlikely to break up wthout you getting to know about it in a serious way. I cant see anything in the pic as I said but if its going to be one of the seals it would be the IMS. But it cant exactly fall out of the belll housing and if the IMS felll out its housing it is likely to be very serious. A leaking IMS is a different problem to a missing IMS...heaven forbid.

Look at the nut in the top right of the pic, slightly to the left of it there is some rubber protruding. I'm now thinking a bored technician stuffed a rubber washer up there because he got annoyed some oil dripped on his head! :P



It aint an RMS. You couldnt bolt the bell housing if that was in the way.. Possibly could be a bit of an IMS but my bets somthing else. Have you tried to pull it out?

Have you tried to pull it out?

Thought I'd check with you guys first! Will go carefully and shout back. Definitely an RMS failure though I take it i.e. should be covered under warranty?

  • Admin

The best thing to do is remove the transmission and inspect the damage.

My advice would be that if they replace the RMS - replace the IMS also (and use the newer sealed bolts).

The clutch and flywheel are easily inspected at the same time.


Defo one or the other.

From detail that I have recieved in email and PMs from many other RMS sufferers, anIMS leak is a lot worse than an RMS leak. The latter typically weaps and usually leaves a coin sized drip on the floor maybe once a week at worse. The IMS can leak quite badly and show a worse oil leak But this is not definitive. The only way is to drop the gearbox and take a look.

Best of luck and let us know what the phantom stuff is ;)


Ditto what Loren says. A word of advice......when you take it to the shop, "demand" that they replace both and that they use the new "Blue" bolts for the IMS. That;s the ones with the seal glue on that Loren mentions. If you dont tell em they may not do it by default. If you do a search, you should find some pics of the new seal. Its the one for the 997 (green insert). Although I havent tried that myself I must admit.


Thanks guys. I'll get it booked in to the stealer and post back.

Any idea what the the stance would be on replacing the IMS under warranty even if it hasn't actually failed?

Thanks again I think we're on your specialist subject now :lol:


The 'phantom object' was a 1 inch diamter flat rubber washer :blush: It had to be squeezed in there by someone... and they get my vote for self-entertainment :clapping:


OPC Cambridge said they normally do both the IMS and RMS together and would use the new bolts.

As this turned out to be no more than a standard case of RMS pleaswe feel free to delete the thread as I can't see much value in it now!

Thanks for all the help though :renntech:

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