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2000 C4 Tip, 30,000 Miles, no intake mod.

Sorry, another MAF related issue, I have spent hours reading this forum, but still would like to get some opinion. Here is the story.

About 3,000 miles ago, the CEL came on, 1128 and 1130. Swapped out the MAF, drove perfect for 3,000 miles.

Yesterday, all of the sudden at a red like, the engine stalled and started to drive poorly, but after I let the engine run for about 5 minutes, I was able to get it home however at around 3 to 4k rpm, it feels like fuel starvation, hesitation and stumbles.

Several miles later, the CEL came on, 1126 and 1133. The car drives much better with the CEL on, no power lost at mid range.

After I cleared the CEL, the car drives poorly again, and had to let the engine run for 5 minute before I can take it on the road, once again mid range problem appeared.

Based on what was described, is it the MAF again? I have tried to look for intake leaks, but couldn’t really find one.

Thanks in advance.

2000 C4 Tip, 30,000 Miles, no intake mod.

Sorry, another MAF related issue, I have spent hours reading this forum, but still would like to get some opinion. Here is the story.

About 3,000 miles ago, the CEL came on, 1128 and 1130. Swapped out the MAF, drove perfect for 3,000 miles.

Yesterday, all of the sudden at a red like, the engine stalled and started to drive poorly, but after I let the engine run for about 5 minutes, I was able to get it home however at around 3 to 4k rpm, it feels like fuel starvation, hesitation and stumbles.

Several miles later, the CEL came on, 1126 and 1133. The car drives much better with the CEL on, no power lost at mid range.

After I cleared the CEL, the car drives poorly again, and had to let the engine run for 5 minute before I can take it on the road, once again mid range problem appeared.

Based on what was described, is it the MAF again? I have tried to look for intake leaks, but couldn’t really find one.

Thanks in advance.

extrememoto, have you recently replaced the MAF? this code and the running condition you describe with no detection of a vacuum leak is usually a MAF.

do one test and disconnect the MAF and drive it, see if it runs better.

Let me know, Ron

  • Admin
2000 C4 Tip, 30,000 Miles, no intake mod.

Sorry, another MAF related issue, I have spent hours reading this forum, but still would like to get some opinion. Here is the story.

About 3,000 miles ago, the CEL came on, 1128 and 1130. Swapped out the MAF, drove perfect for 3,000 miles.

Yesterday, all of the sudden at a red like, the engine stalled and started to drive poorly, but after I let the engine run for about 5 minutes, I was able to get it home however at around 3 to 4k rpm, it feels like fuel starvation, hesitation and stumbles.

Several miles later, the CEL came on, 1126 and 1133. The car drives much better with the CEL on, no power lost at mid range.

After I cleared the CEL, the car drives poorly again, and had to let the engine run for 5 minute before I can take it on the road, once again mid range problem appeared.

Based on what was described, is it the MAF again? I have tried to look for intake leaks, but couldn’t really find one.

Thanks in advance.

I agree with Ron about the MAF.

What air filter do you have? a factory (paper) one or an after market (oiled) filter?

2000 C4 Tip, 30,000 Miles, no intake mod.

Sorry, another MAF related issue, I have spent hours reading this forum, but still would like to get some opinion. Here is the story.

About 3,000 miles ago, the CEL came on, 1128 and 1130. Swapped out the MAF, drove perfect for 3,000 miles.

Yesterday, all of the sudden at a red light, the engine stalled and started to drive poorly, but after I let the engine run for about 5 minutes, I was able to get it home however at around 3 to 4k rpm, it feels like fuel starvation, hesitation and stumbles.

Several miles later, the CEL came on, 1126 and 1133. The car drives much better with the CEL on, no power lost at mid range.

After I cleared the CEL, the car drives poorly again, and had to let the engine run for 5 minute before I can take it on the road, once again mid range problem appeared.

Based on what was described, is it the MAF again? I have tried to look for intake leaks, but couldn’t really find one.

Thanks in advance.

extrememoto, have you recently replaced the MAF? this code and the running condition you describe with no detection of a vacuum leak is usually a MAF.

do one test and disconnect the MAF and drive it, see if it runs better.

Let me know, Ron

Yes, I did replace the MAF about 3,000 miles ago. I got it new from ebay, perhaps that’s the problem. I will try run the car later with the MAF off.

Can I narrow this problem down to either MAF or vacuum leak?

2000 C4 Tip, 30,000 Miles, no intake mod.

Sorry, another MAF related issue, I have spent hours reading this forum, but still would like to get some opinion. Here is the story.

About 3,000 miles ago, the CEL came on, 1128 and 1130. Swapped out the MAF, drove perfect for 3,000 miles.

Yesterday, all of the sudden at a red light, the engine stalled and started to drive poorly, but after I let the engine run for about 5 minutes, I was able to get it home however at around 3 to 4k rpm, it feels like fuel starvation, hesitation and stumbles.

Several miles later, the CEL came on, 1126 and 1133. The car drives much better with the CEL on, no power lost at mid range.

After I cleared the CEL, the car drives poorly again, and had to let the engine run for 5 minute before I can take it on the road, once again mid range problem appeared.

Based on what was described, is it the MAF again? I have tried to look for intake leaks, but couldn’t really find one.

Thanks in advance.

extrememoto, have you recently replaced the MAF? this code and the running condition you describe with no detection of a vacuum leak is usually a MAF.

do one test and disconnect the MAF and drive it, see if it runs better.

Let me know, Ron

Yes, I did replace the MAF about 3,000 miles ago. I got it new from ebay, perhaps that’s the problem. I will try run the car later with the MAF off.

Can I narrow this problem down to either MAF or vacuum leak?

The filter is factory paper filter.


I had the exact same problem, 1126 & 1133. My car, also 00 C4, problem was fixed with a new MAF. Part # 996.606.124.00


I realize that you can find some deals on eBay...but I'd NEVER buy a MAF off of an eBay seller....there are just too many times that guys will take the mods off their cars and sell off the parts....and since a MAF is so critical to the engine running right...I'd only buy it new from a bonafide distributor.

Don't get me wrong...I buy a lot of Porsche things off eBay, especially for my 930...just not the MAF.

If it runs fine without the MAF then it is highly likely a bad MAF.

yes, drives well with MAF unplugged. so I guess next step is to buy another MAF.

Should I still look for vacuum leaks or the source of the problem since something has to cost the MAF to go bad in the first place?

  • 2 weeks later...

just got the MAF, installed it, disconnect the battery for 10 minutes. Drove for 15 minutes, CEL came back again, same thing.

What else should I look into?


  • Admin
just got the MAF, installed it, disconnect the battery for 10 minutes. Drove for 15 minutes, CEL came back again, same thing.

What else should I look into?


Without seeing the MAF air flow - it would appear that you have an air leak somewhere in the air intake.

The engine is seeing to much air.

just got the MAF, installed it, disconnect the battery for 10 minutes. Drove for 15 minutes, CEL came back again, same thing.

What else should I look into?



Have you looked into a possible air leak coming from your oil filler cap, or possibly your oil filler tube?

There is a TSB for the 996 that advises that you will get a CEL if the oil filler cap is loose, not properly seated, or has an o-ring seal that does not provide a complete seal. The fault codes that may result include:

Motronic 5.2: P1124, P1126, P1127, P1128

Motronic 7.2: P1125, P1132, P1127, P1134

I don't know if this second thought would help you at all, but on a 986 Boxster, a cracked oil fill tube can also produce the fault codes that you listed, i.e., P1123 to P1130 for a DME 5.2 and , and P1126, P1128, P1130, and P1133 for a DME 7.2.

Regards, Maurice.


Where can I purchase the tool used to replace the MAF?... It looks like a hex with a hole but I can't find the tool anywhere.



The oil cap seems to sit tight and I can't see any crack on the oil tube visually.

Is it bad to drive with a bad MAF, could it cause misfire? Yesterday the car had a flashing CEL, code read cylinder misfire, I let it sit over night, disconnect the battery to reset system and it seem to drive fine now.

But whatever it is, I think I better get it fixed asap.

ps. I have the durametric tool, and the RKAT readings are way out of the suggested value from the durametric people. I was told it's most likely a bad MAF, but I am suspicious of other issues.

  • 2 years later...

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