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My 2001 carrera alarm/control system worked flawlessly until yesterday. I have research this site to see if anyone else had experience my situation. I am not able to lock and arm the alarm with remote fob - horn snds twice. I am able to arm the alarm system and lock the driver side door by inserting the ignition key into the driver side door lock. BUT, the passenger door does not lock. I get the following 4 fault codes when I connect Durametrics scanner to the car:

Fault Number:46

Description:Control locking synchronization;

Fault Number:60

Description:Central locking limit position

Fault Number:45

Description:Activation: self-activ. by radio

Fault Number:33

Description:Interior sensor faulty.

Any suggestion or thoughts


Mark (New member)

  • Admin

Fault code 46

Central locking synchronization

Possible cause of fault

- Short circuit to ground/open circuit between alarm system control module and door locks

- Door lock faulty

Fault code 60

Central locking limit position 'Locked' not reached

Possible cause of fault

- Central locking switch faulty

- Short circuit to ground/open circuit in wiring between the alarm system control module, central locking switch or door locks

- Driver's/passenger's door lock faulty

- Control module faulty

Fault code 45

Servo motor, central locking system, short circuit to B+

Possible cause of fault

- Short circuit to voltage in the wiring between the control module and both door locks

- Door lock faulty

Fault code 33

Passenger compartment: monitoring sensor faulty

Possible cause of fault

- Passenger compartment monitoring faulty

Hmm... 3 of the 4 faults point to a faulty door lock or a bad connection. Is this a Cab? If so is the carpet under the drivers seat (where the alarm control box is) wet?

You may need a PST2 or PIWIS to nail it down for sure (by running the door lock tests).

The Fault code 33 Passenger compartment: monitoring sensor faulty - may be a false code that can sometimes happen when there is movement when the alarm is set. I've seen theses before and usually they are cleared and don't come back.


Wow! I really appreciate the quick responses. Thanks to everyone who responded. I am thinking it might be the faulty door sensor - because the other day a friend had closed the passenger door way too hard - thinking maybe it dislodged the sensor

I will diffinitely will post alot of detailed pictures of the removal of the door panel (I am scared removing the door handle trim) as well as the findings



Wow! I really appreciate the quick responses. Thanks to everyone who responded. I am thinking it might be the faulty door sensor - because the other day a friend had closed the passenger door way too hard - thinking maybe it dislodged the sensor

I will diffinitely will post alot of detailed pictures of the removal of the door panel (I am scared removing the door handle trim) as well as the findings




Don't be intimidated by the door handle trim. There is only one tricky part (see the phrase in caps below).

There are two large (#30, IIRC) torx screws that must be accessed and removed in order to remove the grab bar.

The first one is located under the plastic cover that surrounds the door pull. This is the only piece that is a little tricky to remove without breaking off a tab that helps to hold it in place. Looking from underneath the plastic cover, you'll notice a small indentation in the center, towards the rear of that piece. You can work a small flathead screwdriver in there at the appropriate time, and, at that time, you can gently just separate it slightly from its contact surface with the door panel. First, though, put some significant pressure on the top (horizontal) rearmost surface of that plastic piece. Then, work the small flathead screwdriver in the indentation from underneath to separate it and then grab the whole plastic piece and rotate it upwards, pulling the bottom towards you and up, WHILE KEEPING THE DOWNWARD PRESSURE ON THE TOP REARMOST HORIZONTAL SURFACE OF THE PIECE. Note that the pressing down while rotating the piece is what keeps the small tab that is under that section from breaking. From what I have read, they break 50% of the time, but if you do it this way, they will not break.

Once that plastic cover is off, unscrew the #30 long torx screw located there.

To access the other screw, you must remove the small vinyl/plastic semi-circular ring that is located at the forwardmost point of the cubby. Just slip in a small PLASTIC blade under the left side(as you are facing the inside of the drivers' side door) near its uppermost portion (just below that left corner) and then rotate the top of the part towards you with some friction. That semi-circular ring is flexible and has an "up" position that is indicated with an arrow on its underside, so you can't put it back wrong.

Now unscrew the #30 long torx screw located under the ring.

Once you have both large torx screws removed, just grab a hold of the grab bar and pull it towards the front of the door and it will slide right off.

To re-install, you will see it has two hooked tabs on the bottom rearmost surface of the grab bar that fits into two slots on the top of the door pocket.

Regards, Maurice.

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