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I am going to take my car (2003 Carrera 4S) to the dealer so they can program my Becker radio to accept CD changer (Dension install after this) and was wondering what other things can be programmed by the dealer: automatic door lock, mirror tilt on reverse, etc?? Any input is appreciated and maybe comment on what you think of these choices.

  • Admin

There are not many things to program on a 996. Door locks - yes. Mirror tilt - no. Mirror tilt is only on cars with memory seats and is programmed through the seat controller.

IS the Dension a fiber optic CD changer that is MOST compatible? If not , it will not work with your radio (CDR-23).


Thanks Loren. I do have memory seats-- what do you do for the mirror tilt? I have MOST with a CDR-23 so I hope the Dension Gateway (Ipod controller) works OK. Do 2003's have daytime running lights? Can this be turned on by dealer as well?

  • Admin

Mirror tilt is covered in your Owners Manual and has also been covered here (please do a search).

Do a search for daytime running lights also. On a 996 you have to do some wiring and add a relay (on US cars) to add daytime running lights. For 997s it is a programmable software switch.

Mirror tilt is covered in your Owners Manual and has also been covered here (please do a search).

Do a search for daytime running lights also. On a 996 you have to do some wiring and add a relay (on US cars) to add daytime running lights. For 997s it is a programmable software switch.

On the 996 you can simply bridge the seat heating circuit, SOURCE side, into the street/parking/tail light circuit and have canadian style DRLs. The european 5 watt halogen in the headlamps operates on the same circuit.

Mirror tilt is covered in your Owners Manual and has also been covered here (please do a search).

Do a search for daytime running lights also. On a 996 you have to do some wiring and add a relay (on US cars) to add daytime running lights. For 997s it is a programmable software switch.

On the 996 you can simply bridge the seat heating circuit, SOURCE side, into the street/parking/tail light circuit and have canadian style DRLs. The european 5 watt halogen in the headlamps operates on the same circuit.

wwest - do you have more detailed instructions?


I had a dension gateaway 500 connected to CDR-23 on my boxster...It was operating great...The CDR saw the dension as a CDC...When first operated after the programming,press the reset button on the dension...otherwise poor sound quality should appear...


What is reasonable for a dealer to charge for programming CDR23 to recognize a CD changer (as in installation of Dension Gateway). My dealership wants to charge me "at least $100" which seems a tad excessive for this simple procedure. Thanks for all your input

What is reasonable for a dealer to charge for programming CDR23 to recognize a CD changer (as in installation of Dension Gateway). My dealership wants to charge me "at least $100" which seems a tad excessive for this simple procedure. Thanks for all your input

It should be free...In order to keep you as a customer...It is a 2 minute job...Do it while changing oils so to pay him for something...

  • Admin
Not a bad idea... can an independent shop program this as well? I would believe so as long as they have the right porsche tool??
Yes, and yes.

The need a PST2 or PIWIS tester.

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