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Need the part number for the black plastic part which covers the metal hook, closing the convertible roof (see pictures).

Does anybody have experience in replacing the part (how to)?

Thanks in advance



996.561.787.00.01C Black Cap -- US List $17.63

I am sure the folks at Sunset imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.

Loren - thanks for the quick response. Are there any hidden traps/secrets replacing it?

996.561.787.00.01C Black Cap -- US List $17.63

I am sure the folks at Sunset imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.

BTW - would like to become a contributing member - however won't do PayPal (bad experience). Is there any other way (like mailing a check)?

996.561.787.00.01C Black Cap -- US List $17.63

I am sure the folks at Sunset imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.

Loren - thanks for the quick response. Are there any hidden traps/secrets replacing it?

I used Goop Household Adhesive and Sealant to glue the part to the metal hook. The instructions that came with the part instructed the use of adhesive instead of glue. I believe that adhesive is more rubbery, and glue would be too brittle in this applicaiton.

It was an easy repair that took a total of 15 minutes max. I used an exacto knife to cut the new part so it would go around the pin.

I also have not contributed because I don't use Paypal. I would like to contribute by check if at all possible.

  • Admin

You can also contribute by credit card - it uses the same PayPal interface but it does not require you to join PayPal.

If you want to do that then just click on "Pay with Credit Card" (or "Don't have a PayPal account?") depending on your browser.

I have sent you both PMs with more info. Thanks!

996.561.787.00.01C Black Cap -- US List $17.63

I am sure the folks at Sunset imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.

Loren - thanks for the quick response. Are there any hidden traps/secrets replacing it?

I used Goop Household Adhesive and Sealant to glue the part to the metal hook. The instructions that came with the part instructed the use of adhesive instead of glue. I believe that adhesive is more rubbery, and glue would be too brittle in this applicaiton.

It was an easy repair that took a total of 15 minutes max. I used an exacto knife to cut the new part so it would go around the pin.

I also have not contributed because I don't use Paypal. I would like to contribute by check if at all possible.


I got the part now - however it came without instructions. How is it installed? Any hints before I try it?



Thanks John - will give it a try.

In case you haven't made the repair yet, here's all I can remember: The instructions were not extensive and basically instructed the installer to cut the circular part (about 90-120 degrees) so the part can fit around the pin. I suppose this is to avoid having to completely dismantle the hook that latches the convertible to the windshield. So, I used an exacto knife and cut the circular part where I thought it would easiest go around the pin. I had to push the top close button until the hook started to come out and then leave the top in a partially closed/open state. I hurried to get Goop into the new plastic part and place it over the metal hook, because I have read that it's not too good to leave the top semi-open/closed. Once the part was in place I closed the top completely and let it dry for six hours or so. I then checked the operation of the convertible top, which worked perfectly. That about all I can remember. Hope it helps.

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