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I want to jack up My 2005 GT3 and store it over the winter on jack stands. what is the best way to jack it up and were do I put the jack stands?


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Hi Dave.... I would jack it up at the standard, factory jack points. If you lift from the rear point on one side, the car is so stiff that the front will come off the ground as well and you can put a stand under the front. At the rear, you can then use a stand under the rear cross member near the lower control arm attachment point..........but......... Why do you want to put the car on stands in the first place? I wouldn't let the suspension hang down at full extension. I would want the dampers to sit at their normal ride height. If you are concerned about flat spotting the tires, that can happen, but, they will round out in the first few miles in the spring.


Never store a car suspended with it's suspension hanging. Not only do you increase the risk of the dampers beginning to leak, but unless you thoroughly grease the pistons, they will rust and then they are sure to leak. If it must be off the floor, support it so the car is fully sitting on the suspension.


I agree with the others too. Don't store the car with the suspension un-loaded. In our owners manual, Porsche does NOT recommend storing the car on jack stands.

Per the owners manual, over inflate the tires to 58-60 PSI.

I do this to the tire pressures, plus I park on dense rubber pads (like you would see in a health club weight room). You can buy these rubber tiles at places like Home Depot, Lowes or Menards. At the 1st of each month I roll the car, by hand, about 10 inches. I did not have any flat spots on my 19" Michelin PS2's last winter storage.

I agree with the others too. Don't store the car with the suspension un-loaded. In our owners manual, Porsche does NOT recommend storing the car on jack stands.

Per the owners manual, over inflate the tires to 58-60 PSI.

I do this to the tire pressures, plus I park on dense rubber pads (like you would see in a health club weight room). You can buy these rubber tiles at places like Home Depot, Lowes or Menards. At the 1st of each month I roll the car, by hand, about 10 inches. I did not have any flat spots on my 19" Michelin PS2's last winter storage.

Take it out for a few runs on good dry winter days. You will be amazed how much more powerful this engine is when it is running cooler. Don't miss out on the fun! Just make sure to pick your days...

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