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I have a 1999 996 c2. The alarm has gone off at different times in the garage and out. locked and unlocked. Nearest dealer 2 hours away. I have disconnected the horn but the lights still will go to timeout. Is it possible to disconnect the entire alarm system, still able to use the remote locking key.

  • Admin

You need to have your alarm controller read with the Durametric Software, a PST2, or a PIWIS tester to see what the fault codes are.

Where are you located? Perhaps another member with one of these tools will help you out...


central coast calif. paso robles. local shop did'nt have tester. guess i will have to go to santa barbara porsche unless i can find the test equipt. thanks for the help. tom


Seriously, how do we know you own the car and don't just want to know how to steal one? Not trying to suggest this IS true, but this is the internet and you just signed up with no intro....

Seriously, how do we know you own the car and don't just want to know how to steal one? Not trying to suggest this IS true, but this is the internet and you just signed up with no intro....

I'm 58, retired airline pilot. if i wanted to steal a car, i'd go for a 2008 GT3. any help on that security system? but first i'd have to break into the garage and past the 3 pit bulls.

  • 1 month later...

What became of your situation? I bought a 2001 C4Cab a few months ago and the alarm still goes off intermittently (after the car is locked - not when sitting in the garage unlocked). I tried pressing the door lock button on the key twice rapidly in succession, and then three times. That didn't work. I also had an independent shop put a computer on it and they said the code showed the motion detector was bad, and they replaced it. (They admitted they couldn't clear the code, which should have been a hint, because it didn't fix the problem.) The radio has been replaced - once by the prior owner, and once by me (with a Sirius capable unit), and the prior owner did install a radar detector infront and back, so there have been a few hands in the wiring harness. Any other thoughts?

What became of your situation? I bought a 2001 C4Cab a few months ago and the alarm still goes off intermittently (after the car is locked - not when sitting in the garage unlocked). I tried pressing the door lock button on the key twice rapidly in succession, and then three times. That didn't work. I also had an independent shop put a computer on it and they said the code showed the motion detector was bad, and they replaced it. (They admitted they couldn't clear the code, which should have been a hint, because it didn't fix the problem.) The radio has been replaced - once by the prior owner, and once by me (with a Sirius capable unit), and the prior owner did install a radar detector infront and back, so there have been a few hands in the wiring harness. Any other thoughts?

i disconnected the horn. the system only went off once in awhile. now, only the get the flashers. haven't noticed any. maybe it is self correcting.

  • Admin
Is the alarm horn different from the steering wheel horn? Where is the connection?
Yes, they are separate and different horns. The alarm horn is next to the battery. The steering wheel horns (there are two) are behind the front bumper on the right/center.

If you have a RoW car the alarm systems are different still.

The bottom line is still:

You need to have your alarm controller fault codes read with the Durametric Software, a PST2, or a PIWIS tester to see what the fault codes are.

That will pinpoint your problem.

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