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As the NW enters 40 degree weather, I again find that during the first 5-10 minutes of driving, my '03 996 (18K mi) just doesn't want to shift into 3rd gear. 1st & 2nd are ok, but baulks at third. As the car warms, shifting becomes progressively easier. The colder the day, the longer the warm up needed before I can use third.

Tried the old truck method of double clutching while going up through the gears (i.e., pulling into neutral, letting out the clutch--but no blip with the throttle like you would if you were matching gear speeds going downward) -- but has no effect.

The car is still under warranty. Is this typical or is there something the dealer should adjust?


As the NW enters 40 degree weather, I again find that during the first 5-10 minutes of driving, my '03 996 (18K mi) just doesn't want to shift into 3rd gear. 1st & 2nd are ok, but baulks at third. As the car warms, shifting becomes progressively easier. The colder the day, the longer the warm up needed before I can use third.

Tried the old truck method of double clutching while going up through the gears (i.e., pulling into neutral, letting out the clutch--but no blip with the throttle like you would if you were matching gear speeds going downward) -- but has no effect.

The car is still under warranty. Is this typical or is there something the dealer should adjust?


Not sure how long you have had this car and if this is your first "winter" with the car, however, I believe this is normal as I have the same shifting issues when the temp is cool even here in San Diego. If the shifting becomes more normal when the car warms up after driving a few miles, I wouldn't worry about it.

Good luck with the car!! dmosan


The transmission should not have any problems going into any gear when cold. It may be slightly tighter, but should still slide in with a little extra pressure. Otherwise, use your warranty and get it corrected.


All cars during development are taken to very cold climates and very hot climates to test that the design works at both extreames of temperature without any fuss, as it should. So, although the gearbox may be 'tight' for a while when cold, you should be able to get it into gear easily enough. If you cant, no matter what the dealer may tell you, i believe you have an issue with something I.M.O. If they argue the fact, jump into an equivalent model on their forcourt and take that out. No argument then.

Posted (edited)
You might want to try a synthetic gear oil.
Porsche spec is synthetic gear oil.

I was just going on my owners manual and it does not specify synthetic, just 75W-90.

I noticed synth is speed for 2002 models though.

Edited by KevinMac

It has a stock shifter. Last year was my first winter. It did the same thing--but with only 9-10K miles on it, I wondered if it were just a low-mileage issue. Seems that by 18K, nothing should be too tight. On cold days, it really does not want to go into 3rd without excess pressure. It is still under full warranty--so will make sure I can replicate the symptom, then leave it at the dealer's overnight so they can check it in the morning.


As far as I remember, every manual transmission I have had is stiff shift when the cold (less than 40F) weather hits. Always happens when first driven cold, and lasts about 5-10 mins. Take it to the dealer, make sure all your fluids are up to snuff, but it doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary to me.

As far as I remember, every manual transmission I have had is stiff shift when the cold (less than 40F) weather hits. Always happens when first driven cold, and lasts about 5-10 mins. Take it to the dealer, make sure all your fluids are up to snuff, but it doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary to me.

"doesn't want to shift into 3rd gear" is a little more than simply normal stiffness. It is a problem.


Try fresh gear oil with problend additive. This stuff does work. The oil additive & gear oil additive actually reduces friction. In the case of differential additive, it actually increases RWHP by 2 or 3 HP, due to less friction.

Posted (edited)
Try fresh gear oil with problend additive. This stuff does work. The oil additive & gear oil additive actually reduces friction. In the case of differential additive, it actually increases RWHP by 2 or 3 HP, due to less friction.

I'd like to see that dyno report on just adding a lube and get 2 to 3 RWHP. Aren't they the ones who also claim 25HP increase with their fuel additive!!!!!

Edited by KevinMac

Something else I forgot to mention Pilot, that I do and works well most of the time when a gear decides to not cooperate. For example, 40F outside, getting to 1st gear is a bear, so I depress clutch pedal, go to second, and then first. May have to do it a couple of times, but seems to work like a charm. Same thing between 4th and 3rd.

I just remembered since I had to do it last night.

As far as I remember, every manual transmission I have had is stiff shift when the cold (less than 40F) weather hits. Always happens when first driven cold, and lasts about 5-10 mins. Take it to the dealer, make sure all your fluids are up to snuff, but it doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary to me.

One time back in the early '80s I had an ancient VW Bug in Syracuse NY

winter. Started up cold you could carefully let the clutch out in neutral

and the thick oil in the tranny would drive the car.



It does work. I saw this on my 97 Vette. Rear diff lube with additive. Obviously the tranny fliud helps smooth out the shifting, when added to the synthetic gear oil.


RF5BPilot, do yourself a favour and dont get messing with things (as i'm sure you wont). Your car is under warrantee anyway so getting it sorted shouldnt be an issue. As a point of information, I got in my motor today (at about -2 degs C outside (28F) and standing for 15 hrs) and gearbox had no problem getting in ALL gears with ease. Dave.

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