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Hi to all

I am looking for help again. I got my long awaited my99 cab in march with 50k. I then brought it to the deale for an oil change ($260) Mobile 0w40 . A little later I noticed a tapping sound from the passangers side. Sounds like a tappet. It faided away and I was happy. I now have 54,500 I have just replaced the clutch ,fly wheel,rms fluids etc. We left the car over night when draining the oil. New oil and filter installed(9quarts of mobile 0w40) Immediatly got the tapping from the passanger side. it goes away when you rev the engine a little and comes back when the car idles. I just brought it out for a quick spin to warm it up about 25miles When i returned the tapping was there when idle and goes when reved

What to do ??

Can it be flushed if so how.

Have I to replace the tappets has anybody got instructions on replacement.

Is the car safe to drive

I will have the use of a shop and an experience mechanic by my side (not porsche)

Thanks in advance

  • Admin

Depending on your outside temperature I would let the car idle 15 minutes or so and see if it goes away. If it does, then I would not worry about it.

Depending on your outside temperature I would let the car idle 15 minutes or so and see if it goes away. If it does, then I would not worry about it.

Thanks Loren

I let it idle for 10 minutes before the spin this morning it was about 54 degrees, if it doesnt stop when hot how much should I worry



  • Admin
Depending on your outside temperature I would let the car idle 15 minutes or so and see if it goes away. If it does, then I would not worry about it.

Thanks Loren

I let it idle for 10 minutes before the spin this morning it was about 54 degrees, if it doesnt stop when hot how much should I worry



Well, if it never goes away then you likely will need to replace one or more of the hydraulic lifters.
Depending on your outside temperature I would let the car idle 15 minutes or so and see if it goes away. If it does, then I would not worry about it.

Thanks Loren

I let it idle for 10 minutes before the spin this morning it was about 54 degrees, if it doesnt stop when hot how much should I worry



Well, if it never goes away then you likely will need to replace one or more of the hydraulic lifters.

Hi Loren

More news on the leprechaun tapping in my engine

I let it run for fifteen minutes still tapping . Reved it up to 5000rpm for 15 seconds noise went away for about 5 minutes and then came back gradualy but fainter.

Where can i geta link to info on replceing the lifters myself. Do I have to worry about a major problem if it gets worse.



  • Admin

Not sure you would want to try this on your own...

The service manual only shows it with the engine removed - but I think it can be done with the engine installed.

You would need to position the cams and then use special tools to hold them in place. Remove the timing chains etc. etc.

Where are you located? Perhaps someone can suggest an independent shop in your area that will likely be half of what a dealer would charge.


I am in Andover Ma.I am willing to give it a try myself as I will have a mechanic (not a porsche mecanic) looking over my sholder. He is a friend and offered to do it with me on but i would like to see the process for my self. The car is not my daily driver so I dont have to rush I can do my home work first. I have a little leak on one cam actuator so all could be done with the engine out. Any links or data to do this.


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