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I finally was able to get the error codes scanned, and it looks like:

P0300, misfire, damaging to catalytic converter

P0301, misfire cylinder 1, damaging to catalytic converter

P0302, misfire cylinder 2, damaging to catalytic converter

P0303, misfire cylinder 3, damaging to catalytic converter

Interestingly enough, I usually get this CEL about once every week on the sunday or monday, and only when I first start the car while parked outside in the morning when it's very moist/dewy out.

Any thoughts on what I should replace/fix? I'm thinking either spark plugs, or spark plug wires...is there anything interesting to the fact that it's cylinder 1 through 3 only? Some specific part that covers only those cylinders?

I'm very experienced on other turbo cars, ie. eclipses/subarus/etc., but have done nothing but change the oil, and the air filter on this thing so far.

Thanks all.


Forgot to mention extra details if needed.

2002 996 C2, 54,000 miles on it...with the CEL on or off, the car runs very strong.

  • Admin

I would start by checking the coil packs on the misfiring cylinders.

If the CEL is flashing (and I think it is) you should not be driving it or the cats will be damaged.

I would start by checking the coil packs on the misfiring cylinders.

If the CEL is flashing (and I think it is) you should not be driving it or the cats will be damaged.

The CEL does not flash at all. Basically if I start my car in the morning when it's cold/dewey out, pretty much anytime before 9am, then the CEL will come on, and stay on solid...car sounds a little rough for about 30 seconds (if that even) then runs fine. Without clearing the CEL manually, it will shut off after about the 7th start of the car (when no longer cold)

If I wait to start the car until the afternoon and take something else to work, there's never any issue, and the CEL won't come on.

Is there a procedure on here for coil pack replacement? I'm getting alot of search results when I try "coil"

  • Admin

The coils packs sit on the end of the spark plug connectors. So you just remove a wheel and the heat plate over the spark plugs and inspect the coil packs for cracks or damage.

The coils packs sit on the end of the spark plug connectors. So you just remove a wheel and the heat plate over the spark plugs and inspect the coil packs for cracks or damage.

Okay, sounds good, I'll get under there Saturday morning. Stupid question...but, what's the order of the cylinders? It's saying 1 through 3, are those the drivers side?


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