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  • 2 weeks later...
The folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) just sent me this hot item...

Super Sale

98-04 Boxster REAR SPEAKER KIT fits cars with rear storage box Reg $326.78 Now $129.86

Just click on Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost

Hi Loren,

Does the kit come with the entire storage box kit or just the speakers? I don't have anything behind the seats, just the engine cover (98 Boxster). I wanted to make sure I can install the kit if I get it, and it would be worthless without the enclosure and the center storage box. Great price though!



Loren and azzar0,

The kit does NOT include the storage bin. But if you already have the storage bin (or if you purchase one) the kit includes literally everything else you will need, INCLUDING the radio removal tools, wiring harness, direct form-fitted bolt-in speakers and mounts, zip ties, etc. I understand that the old speaker kits did not include the radio removal tools.

I just received the speaker kit and installed it this Sunday afternoon. It was a fun project that was made exceptionally straightforward thanks to Bob Tindel's step-by-step instructions that can be found here:


The instructions that come with the kit are obviously intended for Porsche technicians, and are not nearly as easy to follow. Here are a few helpful hints that reference Bob's instructions (from the link above) for those of you who purchase the speaker upgrade and install it yourself. For $130, it's a great deal to say the least, and they greatly improve the sound imaging by providing a "surround" type of effect.

Figure 6, 7 and 8: I found that once the epoxy was removed from the original cubbyhole inserts with a Dremel tool, using a small knife blade such as a pocket knife to get under the remaining epoxy enabled me to lift it out in long threads almost like caulking. Once the cubbyhole inserts were removed, I used a small knife blade to scrape the remaining epoxy off the plastic versus using a rotary grinder for that purpose.

Figure 9: I used the small knife blade to shave a very small amount of plastic from the curved side of the cubbyhole opening, which allowed the speaker grilles to snap into place perfectly. The fit was too tight otherwise, and I was afraid that I would break something by forcing it.

You might also want to consider filling the enclosure space behind the speakers with something like fiberglass insulation for additional sound quality.

Figure 19: I've read posts where people have a very difficult time finding the small black screw if they have black carpeting. I found it very easy to locate this screw by running my finger behind the carpeting until it was obvious where the screw was holding the panel in place. The screw location was about 2/3 of the way down the panel versus 1/2 the way down, at least on my 2001 Boxster.

To save some time and frustration, when fishing the speaker cable up through the dashboard to the radio, consider inserting a fairly stiff wire DOWN from the back of the radio opening, taping the speaker cable onto it, and then pulling the speaker cable up into the radio opening. Trying to stuff the floppy speaker cable up through the tiny opening into the radio compartment was not really feasible in my Boxster.

Figure 30: The wiring colors have changed for the wiring harness I received. For the CDR-220 / M490 tuner, I used the following wire colors and pins: Pin 1 - green wire (in place of the green/black from the instructions). Pin 2 - yellow wire (in place of one of the black wires from the instructions). Pin 7 - white wire (in place of red/black). Pin 8 - brown wire (in place of black). Notice that this is exactly the same wiring configuration as the additional plug that comes in the kit, so you can use the way that plug is wired as a guide.

That's about it. Just take your time and follow the instructions, and it should be an enjoyable afternoon project.


Triple Black 2001 Boxster

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The local group filmed several of these installs when we were making DVDs. Raman has done about 6 rear speaker installs. We filmed him. At least one of the installs made it on the first DVD.

I always wanted to try a rear speaker kit but this was not an option on my 1997, or a 1998, as it did not come with the rear plastic storage box. Now that I have the plastic rear storage box from a 1999 maybe I should give Suncoast a call....

Years ago I use to trade emails with Bob Tindel about DIYer projects. He worked for Pelican Parts



The local group filmed several of these installs when we were making DVDs. Raman has done about 6 rear speaker installs. We filmed him. At least one of the installs made it on the first DVD.

I always wanted to try a rear speaker kit but this was not an option on my 1997, or a 1998, as it did not come with the rear plastic storage box. Now that I have the plastic rear storage box from a 1999 maybe I should give Suncoast a call....

Years ago I use to trade emails with Bob Tindel about DIYer projects. He worked for Pelican Parts

Are any of these DVD's still for sale anywhere?

Regards, Maurice.

  • Admin
The local group filmed several of these installs when we were making DVDs. Raman has done about 6 rear speaker installs. We filmed him. At least one of the installs made it on the first DVD.

I always wanted to try a rear speaker kit but this was not an option on my 1997, or a 1998, as it did not come with the rear plastic storage box. Now that I have the plastic rear storage box from a 1999 maybe I should give Suncoast a call....

Years ago I use to trade emails with Bob Tindel about DIYer projects. He worked for Pelican Parts

Are any of these DVD's still for sale anywhere?

Regards, Maurice.

9X6 Werks DIY / Upgrades DVD Set

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