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I am replacing the stereo and amplifier in my 03 996 C4s (MOST Bus) so am keen to work out exactly how the speakers are wired up to the amplifier.

I am pretty sure I have a 6 channel set up with Front Dash speakers taking up 2 channels (left and right), the Front Door speakers taking up another 2 and the rear speakers taking up the final 2 channels.

I would like to know how to identify the pin out's on the amplifier so that I can re-use the existing wiring when replacing my amplifier. Does anyone have this information on the pin outs?

Also I am assuming that the front dash and rear speakers have crossovers somewhere for the tweeters and midrange as there will only be two wires (+ve and -ve) for each midrange and tweeter combination leading me to believe they are crossed over somewhere else and not on the amplifier. Can anyone confirm this?

My aim is to use 3 way components in the front of the car and not bother with the rear speakers (or run them directly from the head unit). I therefore need to identify 3 separate connections (tweeter, midrange and bass) for each side and connect them to my new crossover. From what I can see, the amp only sees 2 speaker connections for the front, 1 (+ve and -ve) for both the tweeter and mid and another for the bass (door speakers). I would like to avoid re wiring for the tweeters and also dont want to hit another hidden crossover point somewhere. Do the tweeters just have capacitors in line or is there a crossover box hidden away somewhere?

Sorry for the long post but any help would be much appreciated.

  • Admin

Please do not post AND send me a PM - you just make double work.

And, please DO NOT post to multiple forums (more work) -- Re-read the Board guidelines about this!

You will need to tell us the name on your amp - it will be BOSE or Harmon.

Please do not post AND send me a PM - you just make double work.

And, please DO NOT post to multiple forums (more work) -- Re-read the Board guidelines about this!

You will need to tell us the name on your amp - it will be BOSE or Harmon.

Loren (and all)

I AM SORRY, didn't mean to increase anyone's workload especially when asking for help. I am new to this forum and didn't realise you (Loren) were so involved on the forum when I sent you the PM. I then posted as I wanted to get other peoples views in case you were not able to help. Point taken about the double post, just wasn't sure which forum I would get the best results in.

I have a UK spec car and am pretty sure the Amp is a NOKIA one. It is certainly not the BOSE option and is known as the Porsche Sound Pack (here in the UK).


Ok so after some really helpful information from Loren, I have made some progress.

Now if anyone can help me to understand whether the M490 option sound pack has any crossovers hidden in the car?

The amp is a 6 channel unit and from what I can see the dash speakers run as a 2 way speaker, probably high pass directly from the amp rather than a true component set up, can anyone confirm this?

If this is true, I am guessing I would need to run separate cabling from the new crossovers I will be installing to the dash locations to allow me to wire up the tweeters and mid range separately, or the easier option would be a 2 way speaker in the dash using the existing wiring. I can use the existing cable to the door speakers for the low range.

Has anyone done this already as I have searched the forums and am not quite getting the information that would help me.

Thanks in advance.

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