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I need the radio code for my car. I had to remove the battery today, so now it's locked up. I don't have much for paperwork with my car, so I don't have anything here with the info. I know I need the serial # from the unit, but read that you can get it via some menu on the radio display without pulling the deck- is this true? Thanks in advance.



I did- I searched radio code and got a bunch of cdr220 stuff and how to get the serial number for a 220. I did a search for "CDR210 radio code" and got a few "here is my make, model, year and serial #- thanks for the PM, it worked great" stuff- nothing on how to retrieve the serial number and find the code from there. Don't know if I am using the wrong search terms or not..

Also- I fixed my gas gauge- I asked you if there was an access panel to the fuel pump/sending unit and you told me to get a manual- could have just said "under the battery" :D- didn't take a manual to find that the wires had been eaten by some critter :(. I'll keep searching I guess.


OK, I keep searching and coming up blank. I found posts that say "I pulled the radio and got the serial number, but that does not match the number I got from the menu"- but nothing on how to pull the serial number on the 210, just found how to pull it on the 220. I don't mind pulling the deck and getting the serial number if I have to, but if there is a way to access it from the decks menu, I would like to save the aggravation obviously.

Other than that, the only other stuff I see is you giving people codes when they give you the serial number. I don't know where else to look or what other search terms to use. Some help from anybody would be appreciated. Thank you.



I just downloaded that manual and it just shows the basics and how to enter the code, which I already know how, I just don't have it. It does not mention how to access the menu to pull the serial number (like "when display reads code, press and hold xxx to access the becker menu", which I had read can be done but have not found how yet.

I apologize for asking a redundant question, but in all honesty I have not found many answers with my searching :(. If I have to pull the deck to get the serial #, that's fine with me- I just need to know if I have to or not :). Once I have the serial #, can you get the code from there? It appears that you have helped pretty much everyone else with this once they have the serial #, so I assumed you could do the same for me- I just need to know where to access the serial #. Thanks again.


  • Admin

I can try to get your code - that is all my program works about 95% of the time.

On CDR-220 you get the code by holding down the TP button while you power on - then scroll to the serial number using the right radio know. I do not know if the same works on a CDR-210.

The serial number is also on the back of the radio but you will need to have the Becker radio removal keys for that.

Of course you could call Becker Monday and pay them to look up your code or try to talk a friendly dealer into giving it to you.

I can try to get your code - that is all my program works about 95% of the time.

On CDR-220 you get the code by holding down the TP button while you power on - then scroll to the serial number using the right radio know. I do not know if the same works on a CDR-210.

The serial number is also on the back of the radio but you will need to have the Becker radio removal keys for that.

Of course you could call Becker Monday and pay them to look up your code or try to talk a friendly dealer into giving it to you.

Thanks Loren. I actually just pulled my deck to get the serial number off of it- it is SN W5021420. If I had known it was this easy to remove, I would have just done so from the start :).

If you want to try to get a code for me, I'd appreciate it. If it doesn't work, I can try to contact a dealer Monday, but there are no local dealers to me- the closest is at least an hour away :(. How much does Becker charge, do you know? Thanks again.


PS- Just FYI- once the radio reads "code", there is no TP button, just numerical 1-0, so it must be a different procedure for the 210. That's what I had a hard time trying to find.

  • Admin
I can try to get your code - that is all my program works about 95% of the time.

On CDR-220 you get the code by holding down the TP button while you power on - then scroll to the serial number using the right radio know. I do not know if the same works on a CDR-210.

The serial number is also on the back of the radio but you will need to have the Becker radio removal keys for that.

Of course you could call Becker Monday and pay them to look up your code or try to talk a friendly dealer into giving it to you.

Thanks Loren. I actually just pulled my deck to get the serial number off of it- it is SN W5021420. If I had known it was this easy to remove, I would have just done so from the start :).

If you want to try to get a code for me, I'd appreciate it. If it doesn't work, I can try to contact a dealer Monday, but there are no local dealers to me- the closest is at least an hour away :(. How much does Becker charge, do you know? Thanks again.


PS- Just FYI- once the radio reads "code", there is no TP button, just numerical 1-0, so it must be a different procedure for the 210. That's what I had a hard time trying to find.

Try 4674



Last time I heard Becker charged $35.

I can try to get your code - that is all my program works about 95% of the time.

On CDR-220 you get the code by holding down the TP button while you power on - then scroll to the serial number using the right radio know. I do not know if the same works on a CDR-210.

The serial number is also on the back of the radio but you will need to have the Becker radio removal keys for that.

Of course you could call Becker Monday and pay them to look up your code or try to talk a friendly dealer into giving it to you.

Thanks Loren. I actually just pulled my deck to get the serial number off of it- it is SN W5021420. If I had known it was this easy to remove, I would have just done so from the start :).

If you want to try to get a code for me, I'd appreciate it. If it doesn't work, I can try to contact a dealer Monday, but there are no local dealers to me- the closest is at least an hour away :(. How much does Becker charge, do you know? Thanks again.


PS- Just FYI- once the radio reads "code", there is no TP button, just numerical 1-0, so it must be a different procedure for the 210. That's what I had a hard time trying to find.

Try 4674



Last time I heard Becker charged $35.

Is it possible it could be 4676? There is a number hand written on my option sticker under the hood (trunk?) that I can make out the first # (4) and the last looks like a 6, I tried 4876 before and locked it, so I have to wait to try another one. I'll try 4676 since that's what it looks like now that you gave me those numbers. Just don't want to keep locking it lol. Thanks Loren!


Posted (edited)
Yes, most of the time it is a +2 or +4 or -2 or -4 from the first number.

Got it, it was 4676. Thank you very much for your help Loren, I greatly appreciate it.

Edited by kwiktsi

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