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My 2000 C4 cab is in need of a bit of touch-up, inside the car where the seatbelts are. It appears the paint has chipped away, and I'd like to try and touch it up. Porsche describes my interior as graphite grey. Any advice on how to match the color and clean things up?




Not 100% sure what you're referring to in a 911; I've got a Boxster. In any event, if you're talking about the silver painted plastic like on the (newer) door handles and the model badge, you can use a Pilot Silver Marker from an office supply store. The color match is near perfect.



I'm getting ready to repaint the trunk/hood release levers on my MY99 996 that were scratched up from the prior owner dragging shoe's against them. I found a stock DupliColor color that looks like a perfect match to me.

If it would help you, I'll post before and afters and how I did the repair.

I'm getting ready to repaint the trunk/hood release levers on my MY99 996 that were scratched up from the prior owner dragging shoe's against them. I found a stock DupliColor color that looks like a perfect match to me.

If it would help you, I'll post before and afters and how I did the repair.

I'd be interested...


I'd also be interested in seeing how you touched up the hood/trunk levers- the PO of my 996 scuffed them up pretty good, and my understanding is that you can no longer purchase just the levers. Photos and info would be great!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Here is the scoop on this:

First, I found what is probably the closest match to factory color you'll come across short of something not in a shake and shoot can. Its Dupli-Color 8801530 Silver(M).

I picked a 5 oz. can up at my local Advance Auto parts.

I went into this with the thought that I'd try it the easy way (levers attached) first, and then go to plan B (remove them) if I wasn't happy with the results.

My levers had several pretty good scuffs on the front (trunk) lever. I assume at some point the PO's wife had high heels on in the car because they were actually scratches not scuffs. Remember this point for later on in this post. ;-)

If you attempt this, remember you don't want to lift both levers at the same time (they interfere with each other). I am sure I read that in the owners manual somewhere and if you gently lift both just a tad at the same time you can see it's true. Force them both up at the same time and something will break. ;-)

So here is what I did:

1) I carefully placed absorbent towels under the levers, wet sanded out the scuffs/scratches until everything was smooth.

2) Carefully masked off under and around the levers (this is tricky as they only lift so far).

3) Masked off the rocker, seat and anywhere that overspray could remotely get in the repair area.

4) Shot the levers with 3 wet coats of the above.


1) The paint match is excellent.

2) Two of the scratches were deeper than they appeared and were not fully removed by a quick wet sanding.

As I told DL in a PM, they look okay, and most people would probably look at them and not notice, but... being the consummate perfectionist I'm not completely happy with the results as I can see the remnants of the deeper scratches under the right shading/light.

It's difficult to get a perfect surface on the levers with them mounted and the masking is a minor pain to do right.

I'm going to do some digging to figure out how to remove the levers and then go to plan B. If you want perfection I'd recommend you do the same. I'll document it all in case anybody wants to just wait and do it the right way. :-)

Edit: And of course 1 minute after I post this, I do a search on "trunk release" and find the following thread... :-)

God, I love this site!


Edited by blitzkrieg
  • 6 months later...
Here is the scoop on this:

First, I found what is probably the closest match to factory color you'll come across short of something not in a shake and shoot can. Its Dupli-Color 8801530 Silver(M).

I picked a 5 oz. can up at my local Advance Auto parts.

I went into this with the thought that I'd try it the easy way (levers attached) first, and then go to plan B (remove them) if I wasn't happy with the results.

My levers had several pretty good scuffs on the front (trunk) lever. I assume at some point the PO's wife had high heels on in the car because they were actually scratches not scuffs. Remember this point for later on in this post. ;-)

If you attempt this, remember you don't want to lift both levers at the same time (they interfere with each other). I am sure I read that in the owners manual somewhere and if you gently lift both just a tad at the same time you can see it's true. Force them both up at the same time and something will break. ;-)

So here is what I did:

1) I carefully placed absorbent towels under the levers, wet sanded out the scuffs/scratches until everything was smooth.

2) Carefully masked off under and around the levers (this is tricky as they only lift so far).

3) Masked off the rocker, seat and anywhere that overspray could remotely get in the repair area.

4) Shot the levers with 3 wet coats of the above.


1) The paint match is excellent.

2) Two of the scratches were deeper than they appeared and were not fully removed by a quick wet sanding.

As I told DL in a PM, they look okay, and most people would probably look at them and not notice, but... being the consummate perfectionist I'm not completely happy with the results as I can see the remnants of the deeper scratches under the right shading/light.

It's difficult to get a perfect surface on the levers with them mounted and the masking is a minor pain to do right.

I'm going to do some digging to figure out how to remove the levers and then go to plan B. If you want perfection I'd recommend you do the same. I'll document it all in case anybody wants to just wait and do it the right way. :-)

Edit: And of course 1 minute after I post this, I do a search on "trunk release" and find the following thread... :-)

God, I love this site!


I just wanted to follow up and say that I followed your technique and paint recommendation with good results. That color paint is a very good match. Thanks!


.... If you want perfection I'd recommend you do the same. I'll document it all in case anybody wants to just wait and do it the right way. :-)

I found Loren's DIY and had already bought my paint when I decided I "wanted perfection" .... so I bought a complete set of handles & black mounting frame on ebay for approximately $40.

Old handles out, new handles in .... perfection.

.... If you want perfection I'd recommend you do the same. I'll document it all in case anybody wants to just wait and do it the right way. :-)

I found Loren's DIY and had already bought my paint when I decided I "wanted perfection" .... so I bought a complete set of handles & black mounting frame on ebay for approximately $40.

Old handles out, new handles in .... perfection.

Man...you guys seem to find everything on Ebay, I wish I were that lucky.

Everytime I search for something I end up convinced to order the part directly from a dealer or a webstore out of Ebay, spending way more money than necessary.

Any Ebay stores you guys look at in particular?




  • 11 months later...

Hey guys, did anyone ever find an answer to the graphite grey interior color? My interior is all dinged up and I would like to repaint if possible but I don't know how to match the color.

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