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I followed the throttle body cleanup instuctions to remedy an annoying "stall when cold" issue (maybe). The instructions make you remove the airbox and disconnect a bunch of things, but I found out that if you are lazy and your hands are smaller than oars, you don't need to work quite that hard.

Either simply loosen the clamp and disconnect the rubber hose going to the throttle body and push it ouf of the way - you can clean the TB from there if you have small hands and that hose is not hard as a rock from aging, or, what I did, disconnect that hose from all 3 of its connections (2 on the airbox side, one on the TB side), while elaving everything else in place, it will pop back in quite nicely later to reinstall... Presto, 5 minutes job including the cleanup.

The TB looked clean, until I pushed the butterfly valve - pretty nasty back there... Also bear in mind that butterfly valve is sprung quite strongly and *could* hypothetically pinch your fingers (just saying, not like it happened to me or anything ;-)

Once done, the car idled at 1100 rpm, so I shut it down (2003) and did the reset thing anyway (key in ignition for a minute or so) and all was normal after that. The hardest part of this job is locating your screwdriver !


I did mine today too...cranks up much better now...when I reinstalled the air box, I noticed the air box wasn't completely tight(you can wiggle the whole box around alittle bit)...I tightened that "one bolt" that holds the air box in place as tight as it would go, but the big plastic air box can be wiggled around a bit. Is this normal?


I did mine today too...cranks up much better now...when I reinstalled the air box, I noticed the air box wasn't completely tight(you can wiggle the whole box around alittle bit)...I tightened that "one bolt" that holds the air box in place as tight as it would go, but the big plastic air box can be wiggled around a bit. Is this normal?


skipp...I shall make a guess. Check under the airbox.

There should be 2 rubber inserts in the holes on the engine bay bodyframe,

where the 2 "protruding" pieces of plastic stems under the airbox sit in to stay in place.

Normally, when you remove the airbox, these pieces of rubber inserts/washers would stick to the plastic stems

as you lift the box up, then they will fall off without you even realizing it.

Without these rubber pieces, there won't be a tight snug fit, to dampen vibration or movement.



Right you are....thanks very much...pulled the box this AM and sure enough the rubber inserts were gone. I found one lodged down in the lower frame area, but one is between here and the take out restaurant I went to last night.....

Any idea of a part number to replace the missing one?




You're welcome, skipp. I'm glad you found the cause.

I can't help you with the part number. Go to your dealer parts counter, and describe it to them, they will find it on the system.

It doesn't look like it will cost too much.

Loren or the other guys might be able to help you with the part number.


I would like to take this opportunity to give you good folks a warning....needless to say, the warning is based upon very recent experience. When cleaning the Throttle Body and MAF....take that dogone narrow red plastic tube off the CRC spray can. I didn't and as I was spraying into the butterfly valve, the dogone red plastic tube blew off and is lodged somewhere around the corner of the plenum. Since it's plastic, I can't snag it with a magnet....which means that a relatively simple 5-10 minute job is now compounded into taking off the TB and possibly the plenum depending upon how far back the tube was blown.

So do yourself a favor...take off the plastic tube. Isn't it curious how so many simple tasks turn into major malfunctions because of one little unforseen event?


I called a lady friend of mine who has very small hands....and thank goodness she was able to reach around the 90 degree curve in the plenum and found the plastic straw just before it dropped down into the intake.....had it dropped, I would have been in serious trouble.

  • 5 months later...

I was replacing my air filter this past weekend and decided to clean the TB since I was already there. There was a little build-up on the outer edges, but nothing significant. I cleaned thoroughly and put back together. Immediately, my car started much better and I did not have any hesitation while accelerating. What a difference this little job made. I will probably make this a periodic maintenance check.

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