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Hi to all as this is my first post. I have been lurking here for some time and have greatly appreciated the wealth of knowledge and variety of experiences shared by all. :renntech:

I recently read a post where someone, I believe Loren, recommended a very expensive 3M conditioner of sorts for weatherstripping. After many attempts searching, I cannot find the thread. Please help.

Also, what are you all using to condition or protect the flat black plastic parts such as the one at the bottom of the windshield. Lastly, any suggestions for a protectant for the gloss black trim around the targa top and rear glass window? Thanks

My car:

2003 996 Targa 6spd

Arctic silver on supple full black leather




Do a search for Krytox vs. Silicone Lubricant

I think that is the post you mean, the other product was gummi pflege

Do a search for Krytox vs. Silicone Lubricant

I think that is the post you mean, the other product was gummi pflege

Those are the names. Thanks

Now, any input on my other queries??????


At the moment I have two products that I use to keep window seals "live" and thereby lower wind noise.

Multi-purpose silicone lubricant, comes in a 10 oz. spray can, made by Pyroil, a valvoline company, Lexington, Ky.

NAPA Sil-Glyde in a 4 oz. squeeze tube, apply with your finger. Made by AGS Company, Muskegon, MI.

Personally I perfer the squeeze tube "grease".


I have always used Meguiar's Gold Class Vinyl/Rubber Protectant (the white creamy one) for all my plastic and vinyl trims, as well as my weather trims.

I figured if I didn't have to buy an additional product just for the weather trims, it'd be great.

Coz' I only treat the weather trims twice a year at the most, and it has worked fine for the past 10 or more years.

Weather trims on all my vehicles have always looked fresh and black,

I also use it on my wiper blades, although I don't use my wipers much, I depend on RainX.


I had a technician tell me once to use dielectric grease, the same stuff they put in spark plug boots. It supposedly dissapates heat, keeps out O2, corrosion, and leaves the rubber softer.

I tried in on an Oldsmobile I had but can't really say whether it was successful or not because the rubber trim was already corroded after about 2 years, which prompted me to look for a solution in the first place. I guess it did help because the trim didn't get worse until it was about 5 years old. I haven't tried it on my Boxster's trim yet. I've been using the Maguire's as well and hope in time it will live up to the FL challenge.

Anybody have any thoughts/experience on the dielectric grease?

I have always used Meguiar's Gold Class Vinyl/Rubber Protectant (the white creamy one) for all my plastic and vinyl trims, as well as my weather trims.

I figured if I didn't have to buy an additional product just for the weather trims, it'd be great.

Coz' I only treat the weather trims twice a year at the most, and it has worked fine for the past 10 or more years.

Weather trims on all my vehicles have always looked fresh and black,

I also use it on my wiper blades, although I don't use my wipers much, I depend on RainX.

Speaking of wiper blades mine were a slight source of wind noise until I replaced them with the new EXPENSIVE, $40 pair, Bosch "wing" type.

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