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I can never seem to get a straight answer from the dealer's service tech; unless a warning light flashes, I'm not confident in their diagnosis.

So I have two questions:

The first is the oil pressure. The manual mentions that 'typical pressure' is about 3.5 'milibars.' But my car runs much higher, around 4 to 4.5; in second gear, approaching 5k RPM, the pressure guage nearly touches the '5'. At running temp (the temp needle typicaly rest on the '0' of the '180') the needle will rest on .75 bars to 2 bars during idle. The needles will sometimes 'bounce' with the RPMs constant; the 'bounces' aren't big or frequent. The dealer service rep assured me that all is okay, each car has it's own 'personality' and that if something is wrong, the car 'will tell me.' I live in Las Vegas and use the recommended 0 W 40 Mobil 1; the car is a daily driver logging just under 50 miles each workday. I'm thinking that the recent high summer temps may be causing higher than typical at temp running pressures. Does that sound right to anyone? I also check the oil level at each filling; really, I'm a bit more paranioid than that and check it about 15 minutes after I've returned home. I keep the level right in between the two 'dots' sometimes just under the upper dot.

The other question is about the clutch cable. Even with the top up and in noisy city traffic, I can hear that thing creaking and groaning each time I engage/disengage the clutch. I've recently had the clutch replaced and I'm worried that maybe the mechanic didn't get the cable correctly reinstalled.

I'd also like to add my thanks for the individuals who have posted so much information; especially the DIY maintenance articles. I very much enjoy performing the maintenance on the car and the illustrated post are very easy to follow.

  • Admin

Your oil pressure sounds normal to me.

Their is no cable - your clutch is hydraulic. So, the noise is either coming from the (hydraulically operated) release arm in the bell housing or from the pedal assembly inside the car.

I can never seem to get a straight answer from the dealer's service tech; unless a warning light flashes, I'm not confident in their diagnosis.

So I have two questions:

The first is the oil pressure. The manual mentions that 'typical pressure' is about 3.5 'milibars.' But my car runs much higher, around 4 to 4.5; in second gear, approaching 5k RPM, the pressure guage nearly touches the '5'. At running temp (the temp needle typicaly rest on the '0' of the '180') the needle will rest on .75 bars to 2 bars during idle. The needles will sometimes 'bounce' with the RPMs constant; the 'bounces' aren't big or frequent. The dealer service rep assured me that all is okay, each car has it's own 'personality' and that if something is wrong, the car 'will tell me.' I live in Las Vegas and use the recommended 0 W 40 Mobil 1; the car is a daily driver logging just under 50 miles each workday. I'm thinking that the recent high summer temps may be causing higher than typical at temp running pressures. Does that sound right to anyone? I also check the oil level at each filling; really, I'm a bit more paranioid than that and check it about 15 minutes after I've returned home. I keep the level right in between the two 'dots' sometimes just under the upper dot.

The other question is about the clutch cable. Even with the top up and in noisy city traffic, I can hear that thing creaking and groaning each time I engage/disengage the clutch. I've recently had the clutch replaced and I'm worried that maybe the mechanic didn't get the cable correctly reinstalled.

I'd also like to add my thanks for the individuals who have posted so much information; especially the DIY maintenance articles. I very much enjoy performing the maintenance on the car and the illustrated post are very easy to follow.

SOunds normal to me as my oil pressure indicator and coolent temp gauges operate the same as you describe. Was a distraction at first when I purcahsed my 02 C4S a year ago, but having talked to enough folks to reassure me it is normal it is apparently one of Porsche's genetic idiocyncracies. I too use the Mobil 1 0-40 oil all year in SoCal, so have significantly higher temps in the summer ( although not as hot as you in vegas). Car seems not to use any oil at all and I too am paranoid about checking oil regularly inspite of the oil level display. In the case of the cluth noise, if the you had your recent clutch replacement at the dealer and you didn't have the "noise" originally then let him diagnose ( hopefully gratis ;-) )

Enjoy the car !! :cheers: demosan


Thanks for the replies; I'll try not to obsess so much about the oil pressure.

As for the clutch pedal noise, I'll be returning to the dealer today to discuss it with them.


Your oil pressure behaviour sounds identical to my 2002 Carrera. I'd been wondering the same and I'll rest easy too.

The squeek from your clutch is coming from the helper spring - harmless noise, but a bit annoying. Lot's of discussion about removing the helper spring. Some say the clutch pedal feel is much improved without the helper. Others don't like how the clutch doesn't return all the way to the top. Obviously the squeek is cured....Have you tried turning the radio up?


That was one of the recommendations my Dad made; turn the radio up until you can't hear the worrisome noises!

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